What the hell happened to Metallica ??

Alteredmindeath said:
whole new wave of european metal which inspired them from day one
you mean the nwobhm? assuming you do, i've read interviews with hetfield where he claims to have been influenced by several nwobhm bands, especially diamond head (if i recall correctly)
Ive also heard Hetfeild say he was influenced by Lynerd skynerd, Motorhead,Queen, and Bob Seeger and this was around the Load era of bluesy Metallica. I think its funny as fuck Lars actually tried to take Emminem on tour HA HA.
i wish i could find the mustaine thing. its hilarious. the guy is so out of it. he went and bashed on Al Pitrelli and Marty Friedman for no reason. what a lunatic
Megadeth and Metallica both suck. Mustaine lives in the shadow of Metallica's success and is always a step behind the model they make.

End of story. Metallica changed, like all bands will, but they changed for the worse and became a pop sensation.
That, and whenever he tries a beat that hasn't exactly been done before, it gives him an electric shock. Courtesy of the wonderful Bob Rock.
Yes, both suck a big sweet amount of donkey dicks, that's for sure.
But I don't think that Megadeth lives under Metallica's shadow at all.

sknight said:
Megadeth and Metallica both suck. Mustaine lives in the shadow of Metallica's success and is always a step behind the model they make.

End of story. Metallica changed, like all bands will, but they changed for the worse and became a pop sensation.
sknight you seem to hate megadeth just because they "..both suck" and "Mustaine lives in the shadow of Metallica's success and is always a step behind the model they make." wtf? All of the metal bands lived in metallicas success back then. I wouldnt say they are behind the "model they make" either. Dave didnt care to be like metallica.. daves music is heavier, solos were WAY better, and i could go on. The only way the two are related is cause dave used to be in metallica, and they shared alot of influences and playing styles because that was their real learning period, and what they learned there is what they built on for the rest of their lives.
And the fact that Metallica continued using Mustaine's music for several years after he left.

I used to be a Megadeth fan and that all changed after Rust in Peace. Going from a high of one of the greatest thrash albums ever made to MTV friendly rock, from the supreme punk himself. The shadow I speak of is Metallica going commercial. Megadeth follows suit. Metallica blows up, Megadeth does much the same. Dave is a big douche and he's a Christian now. Why? Because no one fucking likes him. He even fucked Dave Ellefson over.
At least Dave supports the metal scene somewhat unlike Metallica who abandoned the scene back in 95. Metallica felt like they didn't fit in the grunge scene, so they changed their music style from thrash metal to alternative grungy bluesy shit. I was shocked when I first heard load and their guitar distortion sounded like Soundgarden or something. Daves got this new Geeker tour coming out with bands like Dream Theater, Nevermore, Dillinger Escape Plan, and Fear Factory. I cant remember the last time Metallica took a true metal band out on tour.
suislidE said:
Dorian I will agree with you about the 23rd psalm thing.. that song does suck. But most of his work on the new album is very good, its much better than the past 3 albums as a whole. Hell, the only songs i dont like is the die dead enough and the last two. I think all the others are pieced together very well, and have a really vintage but rock/metal vibe to them.

To what you said about Friedman.. yes some of his work was very good, until after he started becoming a worthless pop loving queer. Him backing away was the best thing that ever happened to Megadeth at the time. HE and some other influences were steering the band in the wrong direction, the world needs a hero was dave trying to get back on track, which almost worked, the system has failed is more along the lines of what i would expect from a 45 year old metal head, and I think its great. Give him more respect.
word. i forgot about how friedman started to draw the band towards the Youthanasia era. yet, let's not forget that mustaine, as band leader, entertained this notion and was stoked about it. it was as if his goal was to become as popular as metallica.....i thought "the world needs a hero" was unbearably bad. and i still dunno about this latest album. mustaine *had* my respect as a guitarist (never as a person) but i dont care about him too much anymore. as for friedman, i couldnt tell you what he's doing. dont care either.
sknight said:
The shadow I speak of is Metallica going commercial. Megadeth follows suit. Metallica blows up, Megadeth does much the same. Dave is a big douche and he's a Christian now. Why? Because no one fucking likes him. He even fucked Dave Ellefson over.
i love megadeth but ill agree that theres alot of evidence for this. it seems each deth album would follow a metallica album not quite one year later and it would sound similar and have an obviously similar direction. many a writer/interviewer has pointed this out. there no need to bash sknight; this is nothing new.
i dunno about dave becoming a christian. but i did notice many years ago that he became "religious". i think as far back as Youthanasia, which was what? 1995?
sknight said:
Dave is a big douche and he's a Christian now
what does that have to do with anything? i'd agree with the first part, but the second i take offense. you don't seem to understand what that word means. Dave has become a moron, his band used to rock, but that certainly has no bearing on it.
Well, the Christian thing was a bail out of his horrible life. Which goes to show how many fucking bridges he burned. On the Slayer FAQ, there's a bunch of shit about Dave. Kerry King and the rest of the band hates him. He bad mouths almost anyone he worked with, then gets back together with him, then gets sued by them. The one person that stuck by him, thick and thin, Dave Ellefson, was thrown out on the street when Dave had his "nerve damage" or drug rehab (again), so was Nick Menza because Dave led everyone to believe it was a Megadeth reunion. Same thing with Poland. Dave used him to play on the album, but nothing else. He had a new band waiting. He's a snake and that's why he had to pay out to keep it out of court.
Ok night, you really need to start backing up this stuff you are talking about, cause now im convinced you have some wrong facts in there.
The one person that stuck by him, thick and thin, Dave Ellefson, was thrown out on the street when Dave had his "nerve damage" or drug rehab (again), so was Nick Menza because Dave led everyone to believe it was a Megadeth reunion. Same thing with Poland. Dave used him to play on the album, but nothing else. He had a new band waiting. He's a snake and that's why he had to pay out to keep it out of court.
Why do you think Ellefson left? ill leave that to you cause im interested in what you will say. Dave and Nick couldnt get along again, which is like the same thing that happened the first time he got kicked out. Poland is the same thing? no.. Poland has been in OHM for a while and he just came in to look at the remasters, dave offered him the solos on teh new album, and he accepted. He didnt want to leave his old band cause he liked what he was doing. Where the hell did you get the idea that Dave screwed him? What he had to "pay out" he didnt because from what i heard he won the lawsuit that Poland filed against him. Do you even know why?
suislidE said:
Ok night, you really need to start backing up this stuff you are talking about, cause now im convinced you have some wrong facts in there.

Why do you think Ellefson left? ill leave that to you cause im interested in what you will say. Dave and Nick couldnt get along again, which is like the same thing that happened the first time he got kicked out. Poland is the same thing? no.. Poland has been in OHM for a while and he just came in to look at the remasters, dave offered him the solos on teh new album, and he accepted. He didnt want to leave his old band cause he liked what he was doing. Where the hell did you get the idea that Dave screwed him? What he had to "pay out" he didnt because from what i heard he won the lawsuit that Poland filed against him. Do you even know why?
Look at the interviews on EddieTrunk.com with Mustaine. He's not allowed to talk about the details of the lawsuit with Ellefson and how he settled the suit with him for a significant sum. That's the backup. Do the legwork yourself because it's all over the place. Additionally, Nick was led to believe that this was a reunion, thought he'd be part of Megadeth again, but Dave didn't have the same thoughts, so he was only used for the album and then released right afterward. It's called parsimony. After you look up the word, then go and do some legwork and research into how Mustaine and Megadeth pretty much fell apart. It's all over there.

It simply looks like you're such a Dave Mustaine homer that you'll deny anything that's happened that implicates him for any wrong doing, while he's nearly universally unliked by peers in the industry. Go to the Slayer FAQ and see why they don't like him.