What the hell happened to Metallica ??

Alternative 3 said:
Best part lof the doco for me was in the extras, when Lars says to Dave (Mustane) "When we are alone together I see things inside you that i really like". Way beyond gay.
HAHA!! :worship: Legendary!
Metallica is simply a money making conduit for many people to capitalize off of. The movie is a calculated propaganda machine and one must look at the psychology of the issue. They are simply a pop band with a harder edge and they are being pushed by the recording industry because they are making so much money for so many people involved. So they have to be told they're winners and they kick ass, when they really suck balls. The scenes of the crowds of people cheering and bouncing was a powerful image, too bad the music isn't lasting. The number of people that question Metallica's existence is reason enough and they know how much they're doubted, but they are laughing to the bank, with Metallica Inc being worth many hundreds of millions of dollars.

I too saw that they are broken, as well as being fed stuff they want to hear, but rest assured, if the record industry ever wanted to ditch them, they'd be toast. Doesn't look like it's going to happen, but the music has become so watery that I can't see them coming up with more shit. AC/DC hasn't had much coming out of their camp in 15 years, either. They are simple a name to make a lot of people money off of.

The ICON thing was absolutely lame. I hope everyone out there knows this stuff is paid for by their record companies. They sell more using tools like this. Metallica is the establishment now.
I can only hope they are in a plane that crashes.
wwallinga said:
It's about piorities I think. When they were 19, they were unknown, alone, poor and hungry. They hated their parents and were angry about life. The early material shows this.

Now - what do they have to be angry about? They're married, sober and rich. They've got time to mess around with shit they never worried about before. Suddenly you've got entire albums that are trying to make a point, but missing it entirely.

Because people that are married, sober, and rich don't get angry... I think this whole Metallica thing is more about the fact that their personal styles changed, they wanted to do different things. Lars said that Load hit alot of fans the wrong way, but that is what they wanted to make at that time. They can't just make Master of Puppets seven times, it would be pointless. Bands change, some fans like the new stuff, some fans dont. Oh well.
Metallica's down fall ensued after Cliff Burton died, though Justice was a good album and their last good effort. Then MTV and Bob Rock raped them and turned them ino commercial whores.

Im not saying they are bad musicans. Hell i know they are better than me, but maybe it is time for them to hang it up and call it a night.
BurningSky said:
Because people that are married, sober, and rich don't get angry... I think this whole Metallica thing is more about the fact that their personal styles changed, they wanted to do different things. Lars said that Load hit alot of fans the wrong way, but that is what they wanted to make at that time. They can't just make Master of Puppets seven times, it would be pointless. Bands change, some fans like the new stuff, some fans dont. Oh well.
Doesn't mean they can't continue to be heavy, especially when they're still riding on the reputation of music made 20 years ago. They're still trying to be connected with that music reputation-wise, while they are closer to Matchbox 20. Money is to be made, and as long as people still go, they have the right to send off their shitty music to people. Don't be mad at Metallica, just be more vocal to the losers that think they are god's gift to metal. Mind you, they would not have had their style if Artillery didn't teach them how to play (and copy) the style of thrash they invented.

If suckers without taste weren't out there to buy in, then Metallica would go away. They especially rub me the wrong way because they are pop stars, no different from Ricky Martin. Lars' paintings suck, btw.

And if Cliff was still there, they would not be going the pop route. Cliff would never have let this happen and I don't think they would've let him down like that. Not that Jason didn't protest, but they never gave him a say and I got pissed seeing them slander him.
Akerfeldt is married with a kid, sober, and well off (overlook that he has to sell shit on eBay for spending money), but his music is still heavy. You don't have to be angry to make metal. It just takes passion. Hell, Mike & the band are probably the most laid back metal musicians out there.

I think us Opeth fans are the elite heavy/music lovers, which is why this topic hits such a sore spot with us. I'm also 30 years old and grew up listening to metal in the 80's. I worshiped Metallica. The shit they played was not only cool, but they had serious talent. Hetfields rhythms were all down strokes for gods sake. Kirk's solo's fit perfectly and he shredded. And Jason just looked cool playing basketball with his bass strapped on.

Now, sknight has it right when he compares them to Matchbox 20. Simple rhythms with not much melodies, hardly and guitar talent, and the vocals suck.
Hetfields rythem work on AJFA is probably the best i have ever heard on a metal record. Im dissapointed at what has happened to them, Im over it though. I think everyone else should get over it to.
Jinn said:
I can't believe they actually held back the release date to prevent people from stealing the album.

who would want to steal such a shit album?

Haha, that's hilarious...but then again, some people seem to enjoy shitty music. Case in point: the popularity of Britney Spears. Why anyone would pay to listen to her is beyond me...
sknight said:
Doesn't mean they can't continue to be heavy, especially when they're still riding on the reputation of music made 20 years ago. They're still trying to be connected with that music reputation-wise, while they are closer to Matchbox 20. Money is to be made, and as long as people still go, they have the right to send off their shitty music to people. Don't be mad at Metallica, just be more vocal to the losers that think they are god's gift to metal. Mind you, they would not have had their style if Artillery didn't teach them how to play (and copy) the style of thrash they invented.

If suckers without taste weren't out there to buy in, then Metallica would go away. They especially rub me the wrong way because they are pop stars, no different from Ricky Martin. Lars' paintings suck, btw.

And if Cliff was still there, they would not be going the pop route. Cliff would never have let this happen and I don't think they would've let him down like that. Not that Jason didn't protest, but they never gave him a say and I got pissed seeing them slander him.

Are you even disagreeing with me? My first line was sarcastic, i hope people realize that.. Anyhow, Matchbox 20? Ricky Martin? What in God's "name" are you even talking about? I see you're trying to say that they're pop stars and only produce corporate nonsense, but you're not even right about that. If you watch the doc, you see that they wrote the entire album together in that house, and Lars says shit like "that riff was too stock", of course meaning its too mainstream or bland. Granted the riffs didnt get any better to most people, Metallica didn't just read sheet music written by some pop writer, they wrote their own shitty music. You may think it blows, so do I, but a lot of people don't. Yes, they are no longer the Metallica of old, but they aren't just making pop songs. Also, dont say "if cliff were there, this would happen" because no one freaking knows what would happen. Maybe cliff would start loving dance-punk and they would go in that direction, you cant make claims like that.
blech...metallica. i see the point of the thread, but, man, i havent listened to metallica in AGES. yeah, on rare occasion, i put in my one Metallica album and listen to "One" and then cram it back into my cd case, hoping it will break. ill never forget the relief i felt throwing my "Ride the Lightning" tape out the window of my car back in the early 90s. just a really overrated band. to compare them to Akerfeldt and company is kinda embarrasing. while we're at it: dave mustaines recent effort included a "metal" rendition of the 23rd psalm. it is officially the lamest thing i've ever heard on a record. i lost absolutely all respect for him after that. i dont care how awesome RIP was. Friedman made that album anyway. He, like Newsted, wisely backed away.
RjBeals said:
Lifestyle/Deathstyle, Kirk Hammet is riding the waves then chilling on his horse ranch, Hetfield never had a father figure and has to be home by 5 for dinner, Lars is selling his huge paintings at an auction for 5 million dollars (seriously), The kids are sitting in the studio jamming with the band, It's like an episode of Real World.


i enjoyed everything up until load/reload (including those 2). st. anger is just sad. i can only imagine what their next record will sound like.

i used to worship metallica, and was a member of the fanclub. i now can only hope they don't make this next album (which they've mentioned already, actually), and disband. at least when they are looked at years down the road, people will say, yeah, they released that album with an orchestra, then made a really shitty album...not they released S&M and 4 shitty albums after it.

ah whatever, metallica was really influential to a ridiculous amount of bands, and they ruled. not anymore though.

what happened to them?...no idea.
Silent Song said:
i saw the thing about Newstead, they gave him way too much shit. he gave 100% every day to what Metallica should have been.
Yup, no matter how much Jason gave, they admitted it wasn't enough and admitted they were in the wong with him, yet they didn't try to rectify the situation with him. They simply went on to continue blaming him after the therapy and go with a new guy. It doesn't matter because Jason's a millionaire anyway and he's distanced himself from the shit they put out. It was funny to see him making a video in support of them for the ICON show and then they slander him on Some Kind of Monster. Those guys are hollow and will continue riding the train and dilluding themselves on how great they are, which is mostly Lars, anyway. Lars seems to be running the show a little too much. And if it's not for the money, no one in the industry would give a shit about them.

And this thread belongs here because we have a common interest and common musical tastes and we're talking about it. :wave:

And it's documented pretty well that RTL, and MOP was written after Artillery taught them how to play. No Artillery=no Metallica.