Wake Up, Wake Up, Its the 23rd of the Month

Alarm Rings

  • Hit snooze (I cut my slumber short to enjoy a buffer period)

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Sleep in all day, got no responsibilities, addicted to Meth afterall

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Grab my phone, surf the web for a spell while I shake the cobwebs loose

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Immediately arise, get my shit together for the day ahead

    Votes: 4 57.1%

  • Total voters

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
The alarm clock strikes, your nappy headed arse smacks your gums together in disgust. Time to arise, arise! Except the sunrise and self languidity prevails upon your spirit like a 40lb medicine ball to the chest.

How does the almighty RC brethren tackle the infringement of their slumber by the almighty hand of the bigger hand reaching for the little hand ala The King of Pop?
Work days: arise immediately, out of the house in 15 minutes

Off days: sleep in but when I *do* wake up, I arise immediately

I hate laying in bed. It just make me more lethargic.
Hunter and Bill.png

Haven't set an alarm in years. My zest for life beckons me awake every 6am, seven days a week.
I'm lucky I can work the hours I choose. I mostly just use my alarm as an attempt to maintain some kind of half-arsed schedule through the week. I have the snooze time set to 30 mins and I use it a lot, except when I need to get up for an appointment.
For work days, I do set an alarm but I almost always wake up before it sounds. I'll mumble some choice words but immediately get up. I also wake up multiple times through the night to check the time. I'm an anxious sleeper when I know I have to wake up to fulfill responsibilities.

On off days I don't set an alarm and I sleep in as much as my body will allow.
That 15% ale last night set me back a little bit this morning. So I didn't bounce out of bed until 7am.

What a fucking asshole I've become in my old age.
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Aye, I cant shut my brain off. Shit's wrecking my sleep patterns.

A hamie recommended getting the "headspace" app to kick things off.

Jonathan, I need to get my chi on.
Here's the thing. My wife is the spiritual/mystical/magical/whatever one. I am not. My atheism transfers to everything. Sure I love X-files and Tolkien but that crap is all bullshit.

But I went to the Integratron with her anyway and experienced fucking MAGIC.
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