wanna lol @ yanks having a whinge about the lack of maiden shows this tour?


Apr 13, 2001

What a bunch of fucking wankers! Read the comments...

basically it's an interview with Bruce saying maiden aren't going to do dozens and dozens of US shows this tour, because there aren't enough Maiden fans there anymore.... which i reckon takes a bit of balls & integrity to admit, instead of the usual "oh this time we just want to play small clubs like when we started out" bullshit a lot of people come out with, as if they had a choice.

So anyway, of course there's page after page of whining yanks posting "fuck you bruce" because they figure it's their god given right to have Maiden show up in their home town to play for the handful of people who might show up and sit their with their arms folded waiting for "Run To The Hills"....


Blitzkrieg said:
It is funny that Maiden have taken such an anti American stance as of late.

Ozzfest? Maybe thats why. I just want them to come to Australia! But it probably won't happen, so I will goto see them before they retire. I would love to go on their current tour though, i love this new album.
If they cut back US tours an Australian one will definitely never happen, as if there was any chance anyway.
I tend to think the only time we may get a show is when and if they do a farewell tour
Danallica said:
I tend to think the only time we may get a show is when and if they do a farewell tour

Why would you want to say goodbye to someone you haven't seen in over 13 years?
I do see the Liner notes on the New Release taht there is 10 day gap between Japan and Maiden heading for there European leg of the "WORLD " Tour, just being optimistic arn'nt I