Wanna make fun with reamping ? Guitar DIs (ESP Eclipse / EMG 85)


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
Hey guys,

my band STILLRISE are currently recording a new album, which will be mixed by mastermind Jacob Hansen himself this summer.
We are in the guitars right now, 5 songs done, 5 to go.
We used an ESP Eclipse in Snow White finish with an EMG 85 pup in the bridge. We couldn't record with an amp directly because of neighbors and the impossibility to have an easy access to a good place to record (too bad when I have a Mesa OS cab and a 5150 waiting in our rehearsal room...).
So we decided to go with a POD XT and reamp later (I guess Jacob will do it, even if I want to do a reamping myself when we're done, in the case he wants to use it as a part of the sound).
Here are two Dis, left and right, for one song. I used a Vintech X81 pre as a DI and Lavry converters.
EDIT : Here are the drums (24 bits, with cymbals lowered)

If some of you want to make fun with those and reamp them through various amps, then post the result here, it should be cool to see how they sound :headbang:

... And yes I know quadtracking is better but unfortunately the guitarists aren't good enough mouhahaha (hope Jacob's magic can do something amazing !!)
Congrats on getting Jacob to handle mixing duties. Your DIs have sounded stellar in the past, so I'm happy to grab these even just as another reference point to compare client DIs to in the future!