Warcraft 3 ..(Warning.. geek thread)


Oct 24, 2001
Atlanta, GA
Just picked up The Frozen Throne ... I suck ass at multiplayer now.. anyone on here play? If so.. my name is Psychobells, and I need someone to help me not suck anymore..haha

If you dont play... Warcraft 3 is the best game eva.. shame on you.
I used to play but I gave up because my computer can't handle newer games (such as WC3) at anything above the absolute minimum settings. Even then, it's not very smooth. BUT, I'm getting a new supercomputer soon, and then the playing will commence once again.

Would you say The Frozen Throne is worth getting? I'm assuming it's pretty high quality based on previous Blizzard expansions, but it seems kinda pricey for an expansion.
It is more than worth getting.. one would be silly not to get it. The new heros alone are worth the money.. and the new single player campain is at least as good as the original.. there are lots of new things.. its a must.
I'd play with you if I liked WC3. :p

I don't dig the hero system. Or the upkeep system. I just like to say that everytime someone brings up WC3.

Anyway, I might pick up Frozen Throne just because I really have nothing else to do. If I do, I'll let you know.
Heh, mine is also for HL2.

I'm not really sure what the final components will be, but currently I'm looking at:

• Pentium 4 2.4C (which can easily be overclocked to 3GHz, and will save a fair amount of money).
• Corsair XMS DDR400 PC3500 RAM. Either one 512MB or two 256MB modules... whatever ends up being more cost effective.
• Western Digital 36GB 10,000RPM SATA harddive. Mmm... 10,000 RPM.
• ATI Radeon Pro 9800 128MB
• Abit IC7 motherboard.
• Samsung 955DF flatscreen CRT monitor. LCDs are too expensive.

As for soundcards... I kinda want an Audigy Platinum or Audigy 2 Platinum for that nice drive bay full of connectors, but the Audigy 2 is expensive and they both seem to be unreliable. Now I'm thinking of getting a Turtle Beach Santa Cruz card... or maybe I'll just stick with my SBLive.
Firedwarf said:
I'd play with you if I liked WC3. :p

I don't dig the hero system. Or the upkeep system. I just like to say that everytime someone brings up WC3.

Anyway, I might pick up Frozen Throne just because I really have nothing else to do. If I do, I'll let you know.

I am a fan of all of these things.. I think it keeps matches from just being "Build attack, build attack" ... multiplayer can be really frustrating at first though.. inevitably your first match someone is going to tower/hero rush you and kill you in about 5 seconds.. haha... but with a decent build order and a few simple tricks you can get very good.
Yeah, the upkeep system is great in addition to the low unit limit. It helps prevent unit massing and generally keeps the battles on a smaller, more manageable scale which allows for more interactive battles with more strategy involved. More everything! Except units.
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TrevJ said:
Yeah, the upkeep system is great in addition to the low unit limit. It helps prevent unit massing and generally keeps the battles on a smaller, more manageable scale which allows for more interactive battles with more strategy involved. More everything! Except units.

Exactly.. haha.. but it makes things harder for a new player... for instance the last time I played online seriously Orc mass casters (Shamen and Preists) with a Farseer and Blademaster ruled the day... now with all the updates and stuff, and people developing meta shit.. its useless..haha.. it sorta keeps the game evolving.
ChromeLife said:
I am a fan of all of these things.. I think it keeps matches from just being "Build attack, build attack" ... multiplayer can be really frustrating at first though.. inevitably your first match someone is going to tower/hero rush you and kill you in about 5 seconds.. haha... but with a decent build order and a few simple tricks you can get very good.
Yeah, I'm not very used to it. I was addicted to Starcraft and these new things were scaring me. And people are really f-ing good on battlenet.
TrevJ said:
Heh, mine is also for HL2.

I'm not really sure what the final components will be, but currently I'm looking at:

? Pentium 4 2.4C (which can easily be overclocked to 3GHz, and will save a fair amount of money).
? Corsair XMS DDR400 PC3500 RAM. Either one 512MB or two 256MB modules... whatever ends up being more cost effective.
? Western Digital 36GB 10,000RPM SATA harddive. Mmm... 10,000 RPM.
? ATI Radeon Pro 9800 128MB
? Abit IC7 motherboard.
? Samsung 955DF flatscreen CRT monitor. LCDs are too expensive.

As for soundcards... I kinda want an Audigy Platinum or Audigy 2 Platinum for that nice drive bay full of connectors, but the Audigy 2 is expensive and they both seem to be unreliable. Now I'm thinking of getting a Turtle Beach Santa Cruz card... or maybe I'll just stick with my SBLive.
Cool, my system is pretty similar to yours.

I'll be getting the 2.6 ghz P4 though. The 2.4 has the 800 FSB as well, right?

I was going to get the 3.0 but it's like $450.

I'm getting an Asus P4C800 mobo. + $230 =(

How much is the PC3500 RAM going for nowadays? I was gonna get two Corsair (or kingston, but I found a good sale on Corsair) PC3100 512 modules.

I think I'm just going to get an SB 32 for now. My speakers aren't that great right now anyway.

And I'll be getting the new Geforce 5900 FX card. All in all it's like almost $1800. But it's going to be worth it! :D

And Doom 3 should be cool too.

10,000 RPM SATA drive? I thought WD wasn't going to have the SATA drives out til next year...isn't the tranfer rate like 633MB/sec on those things? In any case, I have two drives that add up to 120GB, so I think I'll pass on the new HD.
The 2.4C has the 800MHz FSB, yes. The specific RAM I'm looking at seems to be around $230 Canadian for one 512MB stick.

I'm wondering how well this computer will fare against Doom III. I don't think any computer could really run it at full settings. Even that earth simulator computer in Japan would probably struggle with Doom III during the more graphics intense parts.
Firedwarf said:
Yeah, I'm not very used to it. I was addicted to Starcraft and these new things were scaring me. And people are really f-ing good on battlenet.

Yeah people are quite good... The best thing to do is find some sites like www.warcraftiii.net


and download some replays of races you want to play.. they will kind of show you what to do... then its just a matter of getting fast at it (HOTKEYS)
TrevJ said:
The 2.4C has the 800MHz FSB, yes. The specific RAM I'm looking at seems to be around $230 Canadian for one 512MB stick.

I'm wondering how well this computer will fare against Doom III. I don't think any computer could really run it at full settings. Even that earth simulator computer in Japan would probably struggle with Doom III during the more graphics intense parts.
Your hardware could handle Doom 3. You might want to upgrade your video card, though. The only card that is running Doom 3 WELL though is the Geforce 5900 FX. That's the only one that is performing at decent FPS against Doom 3.

You say the 2.4 can be overclocked easily to 3? Maybe I'll get that instead. I'm giving my friend case privileges over my computer, and he goes overboard with cooling so I think I'll be okay.

Check out newegg.com, it's 115 USD for a 512 stick of PC3100.
LuminousAether said:
I played Warcraft III a lot online for about 2 weeks, and I won more games than I lost. I mostly played humans, just like I mostly played Terrans on Starcraft.

I play human and orc mostly... NE are nice sometimes.. dont really ever use undead

The new human hero kicks ass.
I always liked playing Warcraft III and Starcraft with people I knew opposed to some random Korean nerd who would shout garbled insults at me, but that didn't happen that often much to my chagrin. If I had a computer with WCIII on it right now, I'd play against you chaps, but sadly I am without such a commodity.
Hahaha.. The Koreans on Blizzard games are awesome... Diablo 2 is full of them.. its hilarious.. its like.. 2 people who cant communicate trying to trade items.. comedy gold.
The worst was a ladder game on Starcraft where I was whipping up on two Koreans, I had one down to a few units and I started to focus on the other one... then they teamed up and said "Koreans help each other" and I lost. What I didn't quite understand was what would happen after I lost? Koreans would start killing each other, it would seem.