Warheart is complete ! (my recording)

hmm, Chokehold would be good, its different.. who would like to hear us play something besides Bodom ? we plan to do some Satriani tunes, some Opeth... the last 4 songs have all been Bodom !
AlexiFollower you must of looked pretty far back in the archives to of found this thread :)

Yes I think I've narrowed it down to the bass being out of tune.. so we're going to redo the bass and im going to remix it..

In the meantime, I've posted a couple of Satriani covers on the site if anyones interested in hearing them!
hey straughen!
is this live recorded? if so it sounds fucking awesome!
or is the drums and keyboards programmed?
if so, how do you program it? i need to start recording soon :)