WARNING: Do not listen to Cannibal Corpse while driving a tractor. (tornadoes)

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
So I'm planting corn about 4 miles from home. Listening to the new Cannibal Corpse. Watching some storm clouds build for what looked like a nice rain. No storm warnings on the radio.

All of a sudden the wife calls saying its hailing at home. I tell her to get the vehicle up to my parents place to put it inside.

Literally 1 minute later, as she is on the road and as I watch from 3 miles away, a fuckin' tornado drops down out of nowhere. I watch, from the tractor, as this thing bounces up and down on the ground.

I quickly made the decision to pull the planter out of the ground and find high gear over to my pickup. I jumped in the pickup and made it to a house close by the field I was in.

While I was at that house, two more tornados touched down within a mile of me.

I just went and surveyed the damage close to my house. It just ripped some fence out, and tore up a field.

The worst news is that hail fuckin' killed a BUNCH of our wheat, and it dented the crap out of my wife's Trailblazer.

It all just immediately happened with basically no warning.
Well, I'll be sure to remember that next time I'm driving a tractor and feel the urge to listen to some good ol' gorerippin' zombie killin' fucked-by-a-knife music.
Creepy stuff that. Funny how I often dream of witnessing the birth of tornadoes and - of course - ending up engulfed in one just before waking up, pouring sweat.

Do you have pics?
Ellestin said:
Creepy stuff that. Funny how I often dream of witnessing the birth of tornadoes and - of course - ending up engulfed in one just before waking up, pouring sweat.

Do you have pics?

Whilst running for my life, I thought to myself how many times I wished I had my camera in the tractor. The tractor has autosteer so I have all kinds of time to look around, read, etc.
only thing we get where I am is tsunamis, earthquakes, and hurricane force winds on a regular basis through the winter. Hurricane force winds + pacific ocean = awesome day at the beach just watching waves beat the living shit out of everything in sight.
Those are the first, second, and third tornadoes I've ever even seen. Everybody makes fun of people from Kansas, because they think tornadoes pop up left and right, but that's mostly just in eastern Kansas. This is very rare for Western Kansas.
Krigloch the Furry-ass said:
damn dude!

I've always wanted to see a tornado... I've only had one pass over me in the dark.

I never thought we'd have a bond like this, Mr. Furry-Ass. Its like we're survivors of the holocaust. I don't really think others can comprehend the level we now live on.
Nate The Great said:
Those are the first, second, and third tornadoes I've ever even seen. Everybody makes fun of people from Kansas, because they think tornadoes pop up left and right, but that's mostly just in eastern Kansas. This is very rare for Western Kansas.

There is an east and west Kansas?

Thats pretty insane, we just get bush fires round here and the odd crazy thunderstorm

Fucking shit! It looks like there's more brutal weather headed my way as we speak.

If you don't hear from me for the next couple of days, assume I'm dead and feel free to scavenge my CDs from the rubble of my house. I have a large Playboy collection too.