WARNING: Do not listen to Cannibal Corpse while driving a tractor. (tornadoes)

Holy shit. I've always wondered what I'd do if I saw a tornado . How the fuck could one know where it's going? Where to go is also an important question :ill:
most things reccomend a basement, or even lieing in a ditch for lack of anything else. Basically get low and somewhere where you can have shelter from flying debris and maybe something ot hang onto.
Dev said:
Holy shit. I've always wondered what I'd do if I saw a tornado . How the fuck could one know where it's going? Where to go is also an important question :ill:

I had never seen one until yesterday. I lived in Kansas 18 years, went to college, worked after college for 4 years, and now I've been back for almost 2 years.

The ones yesterday pretty much formed in about 5 seconds. Absolutely no warning. It took the Kansas news stations until this morning to even realize it happened, because my county is the smallest in the state and nobody gives a shit about us. We're on the Colorado border, so we aren't really claimed by either state.

I want some of that!