Warning: Tom Argo (Wherewolf) is at it again...

Hello everyone:)
can see our album has been to disksution on your forum.
We're the only one who uses the word PHONOMIK here on the web :)
I would first like to say that the album is not for download anywhere and it was PHONOMIK who stopped work together with our manager.
Not the other way around. we listened to what she said and and worked on the recommendations, she gave us. We should never have done that ... Sorry for that Lance ...
And yes I hate TOM he is responsible for our album hangs in the trees now and can be flushed down the toilet ... All are apparently agreed that the album we've made is killer but no one will touch it now, after the bullshit it has been exposed for the last 6 months of idiots. Not cool to know. So we must say that we have been surrounded by idiots, unfortunate ...
But guess what boys:) We just make our new album ready in a hurry. and make sure to find the right people to work with next time:)
And yes Kim Olesen you done a fantastic job on our album:) you were one of the few who delivered what was agreed :)
OK I just saw this thread and I just read all of it. (not like me I am usually lazy and just read the first few and the last few)

this guy tom has got some problems, I mean me and my fellow PP attendee friend owned/own(we still pay for the URL but have no time to maintain it) and review site which we had to abondon because of increased workloads, moves, and lack of free time.(hope to start back one day). and we would contact smaller bands about doing reviews/interviews for the site BUT we never asked for unreleased material, we never uploaded any material, and we never claimed to be more than we were. what we had[ hopefully have again oneday] was small but we valued our reputation. we love music and wanted to just be a small step in the massive network that is the industry. this tom guy wanted to be a much bigger step than he was and just became a stumbling block because of it. do this tom guy if he is still reading this stuff "STOP dude, cant you see you are hurting the music that you love, just stop man"

and lance can not wait to hear the Phonomik stuff.

see everybody in september.:rock:
I can't read Argo threads without feeling a deep shame and guilt. I considered him a friend and a prog metal brother. We exchanged ideas and band leads all the time. He told me he was going to try his hand a releasing some indie bands. With his passion for the genre, I figured he would do well.


I ultimately am responsible for the downfall of Vox Tempus. I had received a demo package from a website I was going to write for and the VT 3-song demo was among them. I was floored how good it was and developed a friendship with Eric exchanging many e-mails. Among the conversations it was mentioned they were looking for a label/distro. I mentioned TOm was looking at a start-up label and that they may be a good match.


While this debacle was going on behind the scenes and without my knowledge, I introduced Tom to Cloudscape. That had a similarly disatrous result, though they continued and flourished.

Bottom line, I inadvertantly screwed two great bands and two good friends. I still think, to this day, the Vox Tempus is in my top ten all time discs. It's that good to my ears. It deserved to be released worldwide and heard by the entire melodiprog community.

It physically makes me nauseous to think I had anything to do with this crap and that I ever trusted Tom. He may not have faked his death this time around but he's dead to me.

While this debacle was going on behind the scenes and without my knowledge, I introduced Tom to Cloudscape. That had a similarly disatrous result, though they continued and flourished.

Thank Goodness they wised up and contacted Lance.
He also tried to scam us (Anubis Gate) representing himself as a&r from silverwolf. Fortunately we didn't let it go far. But since we may be looking for a new deal we wasted time on him and things could have been screwed badly for us had he gotten hold of new AG music.
Hate to have to dig this up, but wanted to share an anonymous tip (that I've done my best to check out some facts that were given, and seems to be legit).

Apparently Tom may be under another name on Facebook (surprise), and there are many here who have him on their friends list, more than likely without knowing it is probably Tom:


Take and do with researching that as you will. There are an awful lot of bands and stuff on his list which is sad.

I don't want to share the tips the person gave because if Tom is on here lurking, he will avoid doing certain things next time and make it harder to weasel him out.

This is all so sad and disturbing to me. It truly hurts my heart. I hurt for the bands and the labels, I hurt for the fans, and I hurt for those people who get swindled into friendships. I, too, am one of those people.

I had a similar situation with someone else who is exactly like Tom, only he's obsessed with Queensryche and ONLY Queensryche. Long story short, he did everything he could to get buddy-buddy with the guys, trying to work himself in like someone who was important to the band's success. He had a forum for years and years and always had his head up Tate's ass, and then when Todd took over, he did the same thing. He and his wife got in good and deep with me, because I'm one of Todd's BFFs.
Well, when the guys'd had enough of his antics, he did a complete 180 and started slamming them all over the place. He made a big show of selling off all his Ryche-related merch and collectibles. He then closed his forum, only to reopen it a few months ago, and on that new forum, he managed to acquire a link to the new record on Amazon because someone over there had snafu'd the release date and made it available a month early.

So he gets the link, and rather than bring it to the band's attention, he shares it in the forum, and actually encourages people to share the link and to buy the record while they could! And I am sad to report that one of the people who purchased that leaked record is a ProgPower attendee. Shame, shame on you, sir. :-(

The only reason he took the link down was because Ryche's lawyer wrote him a cease and desist!
And all the while, knowing that he is hurting the band and the fans (a select group of which are Pledgers, who contributed their own money to the record in order to get sneak peeks and signed copies before anyone else), he still tried to send messages to Whip and Todd as though they were friends.

He continues to this day to defend his choice, claiming that Ryche was doing a terrible job of marketing by keeping the record hush-hush and that him sharing that link was doing more to generate buzz for the band than Sony/Century Media was - the unfathomable stupidity of that statement alone literally made my eyes bulge.

I considered this guy and his wife to be good friends of mine, and when this came to light, I wanted to throw up. I have since cut all ties to them.

I guess my reason for sharing this is that there are Tom Argos all over the place, and they are very damaging to a band's reputation, from both a business standpoint as well as a fan perspective - case in point, why did I pledge $250 for exclusivity when this dick downloaded it and showed others how to download it, a month before the release date? (I'm not saying that's my reaction; it's not)
My big fear with nutjobs like this are that they eventually turn into assassins - If I no can haz, NOBODY can haz - and then the shit starts getting really real. I think Jon Lennon and Selena would agree.

Please, people... Keep your ethics and your morals when it comes to the music we all love.
Don't be a dick.
Uh this wouldn't happen to be the breakdownroom guy would it? I remember some story about him awhile back.
Hate to have to dig this up, but wanted to share an anonymous tip (that I've done my best to check out some facts that were given, and seems to be legit).

Apparently Tom may be under another name on Facebook (surprise), and there are many here who have him on their friends list, more than likely without knowing it is probably Tom:


Take and do with researching that as you will. There are an awful lot of bands and stuff on his list which is sad.

I don't want to share the tips the person gave because if Tom is on here lurking, he will avoid doing certain things next time and make it harder to weasel him out.

Yes, this is true, I created a website and I did reviews and interviews under Metal Asylum Zine. I decided to write under a pen name because I enjoy writing about the music I love, yet I know I am not welcomed, so once again I did what I sadly "had" to do. I'll get to the point. I am 100% addicted to the music and deceived bands, labels, publicists to get the music and get it early, it's NOT ok. I am sorry for loving something so much it became a sickness. I NEVER wanted to hurt ANYONE, EVER, I just wanted the music and I would do whatever it took or said to get it. I'm not here asking forgiveness. I am here to say it sucks having this affliction and at other peoples expense and trust. It hurts badly to feel the hatred and I am sorry to you all. I wish I could do or say something to make it go away but I have to face the music (sorry for the pun). When you love something so much only to hurt it, it's sad. I lost some good friends over it and nothing is worth that. This is not a "poor me, I'm sick, forgive me" attempt. It's the truth and I am 100% sorry, from the heart. As far as leaking promos..NO, I have zero interest, once I have it, that's all I cared about, I don't even know how or why the many people do it, pointless. This hurts bad to open up about it, but I felt it was needed. ..Tom Argo
I don't know anything about this guy or his actual history other than what I read here, but if Lance comes out on someone that way I have to assume that they are pretty bad indeed.