This will be my only post on the following, since some pretty outrageous claims were made and people who only read this forum may not know the whole story. I have a lot of respect for Glenn, his festival and forum, and only wish to refute a few points and do not have the intent to create a full on forum-war, which was actually initiated by the original post.
So he gets the link, and rather than bring it to the band's attention, he shares it in the forum, and actually encourages people to share the link and to buy the record while they could! And I am sad to report that one of the people who purchased that leaked record is a ProgPower attendee. Shame, shame on you, sir. :-(
As an FYI, legitimate links to
purchase the new Queensryche record via iTunes and Amazon were shared by other forum users, not site administrators. They were allowed for a brief period of time on the forum for people to
purchase the record from these vendors. The website did not promote or allow the release of
pirated material, as anyone who wanted the record had to buy it from a reputable vendor.
Any comparison to this Tom Argo person is ridiculous, since that guy seems to deliberately impersonate music industry insiders via a false persona in order to trick a band into releasing unreleased material.
Also, I understand that the Progpower community is close-knit, but shaming someone for spending their own hard-earned money and buying a record?
Isn't that what we all want to see?
And that fan that you are shaming has gone on record stating that they loved the self-titled debut with Todd so much that they bought over 10 copies and gave them to people in order to turn others onto the album. That's extremely selfless behavior, if you ask me. Your anger is severely misplaced, and I'm shocked that this close-knit progpower community thinks that it is ok for one of it's own to sit here and blast someone who also purchased a ticket to the festival and attended this year. Based on the fan's review on another forum, they had a wonderful time at the fest as well. What if this fan reads this forum and sees that a progpower 'favorite' thinks that it's ok to come over here and shame them? Does Glenn lose a ticket sale for next year because they're don't feel like part of the clique?
The only reason he took the link down was because Ryche's lawyer wrote him a cease and desist!
Correct, to pacify the band's lawyer only as they have a friendly relationship offline. There was no legal breach initiated by the website or forum, since Amazon and iTunes were the ones that committed the error.
And all the while, knowing that he is hurting the band and the fans (a select group of which are Pledgers, who contributed their own money to the record in order to get sneak peeks and signed copies before anyone else)
The band is responsible for the pledgemusic campaign and fans are responsible for pledging their own money. Finding a fansite at fault for errors committed by Amazon or iTunes is ridiculous. People still are receiving their benefits through the Pledgemusic campaign.
I guess my reason for sharing this is that there are Tom Argos all over the place, and they are very damaging to a band's reputation, from both a business standpoint as well as a fan perspective - case in point, why did I pledge $250 for exclusivity when this dick downloaded it and showed others how to download it, a month before the release date? (I'm not saying that's my reaction; it's not)
My big fear with nutjobs like this are that they eventually turn into assassins - If I no can haz, NOBODY can haz - and then the shit starts getting really real. I think Jon Lennon and Selena would agree.
Again, finding someone at fault for saying "hey, have at it while it's available to purchase on Amazon or iTunes" is ridiculous. There is a world of difference between what people say this Tom Argo guy does and any digital vendor's accidental release of the Queensryche album.
You chose to pledge $250 to the band, nobody forced you to. If you have an issue with what you received in return for it, the fault does not lie with a fan's website. Try directing your anger at Amazon, iTunes, or maybe even the band themselves if you feel that you didn't get your $250 worth.
Coming to a different forum and slandering that site administrator is incredibly childish....and comparing them to an assassin?