Was Dan a Nirvana fan back in the day?


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
I'm asking cause he's wearing a Nirvana shirt in one of those pics on his new site. I always hated that band and somehow think Cobain would be the last guy on earth to be on influence on Dan's music... but, then what do I know? I never heard Wounded Land, and if they're anything like those grunge bands from Seattle I'd rather not... even if it's Dan's band.
I don't think that half of the stuff on the page is anything comparable to Dan's recent releases (just imagine so,haven't listened to them yet...but the song titles give you an idea lol) for an obvious reason. Just great rare gems to have and see where Dan's come from at least.

I just realized I posted a ton of things that were supposed to end up in the website thread. :p
Hi there

I used to be a big Nirvana fan during my 'independent rock' fling around 90-92
I lost track of them once they got big (A very 'indie' thing to do)
The Nevermind album has its moments. Kurt Cobain was a strange person, but a genius in a way. His songwriting really was unique, not always the best, but you could hear in a second that it was him. The chordchanges very truly weird yet he managed to get it all together with a pop vocalharmony on top!!!

Cobain had the uncanny ability to write really simple, yet catchy tunes that didnt sound watered down like most popular music does, hence the reason i still love metallica. Granted nothing will ever compare to the bleach album, but i mean most bands have their one great album, and everything else is pretty good, but will never ammount to that one album, so whatever.
steak-knife said:
there was much more talent and musicianship in cobains farts than in any opeth song.

That's just sad. Not really cause of your opinion but cause of your blatant flamebaiting.
BTW. Purgatory Afterglow is "dedicated to the memory of Kurt Cobain"

I don't like nirvana, but that's still pretty nice. And if I remember correctly CII is dedicated to Chuck Shuldiner.
i was/still am a Nirvana fan. I like some of the old bands that came from that time Green River, Mudhoney, Mother Love Bone, ALice In Chains, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Pearl Jam.