wassup n00bs!!!

Mar 4, 2004
UK, devon
Hey! Was wondering if the new album from forest stream will have a real drummer instead of programming!?
Not that the programming wasn't cool or anything but as an avid drummer myself I'd love to hear some real drumming. Hows about you employ hellhammer for a while? :tickled:

peace out!!!!!!

(PS: mayhem are GOOD!!!)

did any one check out the sham mirrors by arcturus? doesn't it rule!?!?!?
We'll have real drums. Our new drummer rocks big time. We already started working on our new demo, which is to be sent to Lee :)
Ivan, ya tebe zvonil, ne smog dozvonitsya :( P2P! Prihodi v ICQ, P2P!
you dont understand aword, dont you? well I do...... hehehe

ColdDarkNord@ kak dela, 4yvak! tak vot gde ti owivaews9..... xaxa. kryto tebe.
Beorn, against what?
Ivan is Pisik, even his wife calls him like that. In russian of course.
let's speak english in here. otherwise people get lost. Well, they will do anyway as it's just imposible to have a clue of what we are talking about. Personally, I even get lost sometimes among all this crazy borrowings from different languages and minds, which is even worse than languages. :lee:
Well, bon apetit, it's yor ballz after all.
So what you do in life?
Except Ivan, he's into computer web design or smtng I know
Balls??? Odd...
What I do for life?:) I am kinda scientist and also play in one band this poor forum is dedicated to :) :lol: That's basically it!
Scientist? Of what?
And where can I get your music without buying the album (If i'll like it I'll buy it later....
Besides I was looking for a place with russian ppl in UM for a long time... that compensates for the forum being poor.... :)
I am doing Ph.D. on solid state physics. The exact name of the topic is "Quantum effects at the interface between magnetic and superconducting orders"
And where can you get our music... try kazaa or e-donkey, should work. I was able to find at least three songs of us.
Beorn of MythOdeviL said:
Ok man
Good luck on your Ph.D....
btw, you live in Russia?

No by the way I live in Holland.