WASTEFALL calls it quits!!!!!!

The deal is that you think you can make a slam at me reg CM even if they have nothing to do with Wastefall (or the Pain of Salvation sound which Mindflow - as I mentioned - is also a part of .. thus the notion about them). You just bring in another band to make this a pissing contest, and even if I agree w you that CM is "very much influenced" by SX and DT, that has nothing to do with the subject in this thread). I'm not working with CM anymore so I couldnt care less about them. What I do care about is the fact that you always seem intend on picking a fight, which is pretty low in the first place, and then you "hide" what you actually want to say behind a lot of crap. Come out with what you want to say instead of bullshitting around, thus the mention of you needing to grow a set of balls.

Dude...Get defensive much? All l did was draw a comparison to the situation & it looks like l pissed in your wheaties in the process. You'll have to search your own soul for the answer to that...l can't help you.

General Zod said:
I assume Ascension was alluding to the fact that CM has/had a financial connection to some of the folks involved in the festival. And granted, there is a natural tendency in this forum to follow Glenn's lead.

Perhaps small on a grander scale. But, within the confines of PP it seemingly takes very little for "Band X" to become someone's new "longtime favorite," or new band that just "must play again next year." By my personal observations, these trends and sways in public opinion seem influenced primarily by arbitrary factors like: having drinks w/band x, catching a drumstick, the ever famous "oh well I was down on the rail for that band so...," a band member just being nice and courteous, staying in the same hotel as band x, or various others that have no actual bearing on the actual music.
If that's true, that's odd.

If that's true, that's odd.


I think there are just certain people it is clearly the case with.

Its only really annoying when people act like because they are 'friends' with a band, that suddenly... their coolness factor increases.

As for Claus liking a band he worked with... hmmm that's really strange. Liking the music of a band you manage(d). Whodathunkit?
I agree that's clearly the case with a number of people.
As to the other I think the point is that it seems okay to take a shot at a band, but if someone takes a shot at a band in "the stable," it's likely to be met with a vehement response. Given the relationship Zod mentioned, said reponse may be backed with those with clout associated with the forum and fest.