New Metal Member
The deal is that you think you can make a slam at me reg CM even if they have nothing to do with Wastefall (or the Pain of Salvation sound which Mindflow - as I mentioned - is also a part of .. thus the notion about them). You just bring in another band to make this a pissing contest, and even if I agree w you that CM is "very much influenced" by SX and DT, that has nothing to do with the subject in this thread). I'm not working with CM anymore so I couldnt care less about them. What I do care about is the fact that you always seem intend on picking a fight, which is pretty low in the first place, and then you "hide" what you actually want to say behind a lot of crap. Come out with what you want to say instead of bullshitting around, thus the mention of you needing to grow a set of balls.
Dude...Get defensive much? All l did was draw a comparison to the situation & it looks like l pissed in your wheaties in the process. You'll have to search your own soul for the answer to that...l can't help you.
General Zod said:I assume Ascension was alluding to the fact that CM has/had a financial connection to some of the folks involved in the festival. And granted, there is a natural tendency in this forum to follow Glenn's lead.