Wastefall Official Statement


Iced Guardian was taken:)
Mar 27, 2004

We unfortunately have to announce that WASTEFALL will not be participating in this years "PROGPOWER USA" festival in Atlanta, USA on September 16th. When applying for the visa to be able to perform in USA, we ran into some unexpected problems with the Greek authorities, which have made it impossible for us to go. We're really sorry about this, as we know a lot of fans had been looking forward to seeing us in USA for the first time ever, and we ourselves had been looking very much forward to the whole experience of our first gig outside of Greece. We would like to extend our gratitude to both our label and management for doing what was possible in order to help us solve the problems, and especially we would like to thank Glenn Harveston of ProgPower USA for helping us beyond the call of duty on trying to make ends meet. We really hope to be able to go to ProgPower USA another year and make up for this.

Wastefall, 2006

well that sucks for them and those looking forward to them at PP. maybe next year
BlindPanzer said:

We unfortunately have to announce that WASTEFALL will not be participating in this years "PROGPOWER USA" festival in Atlanta, USA on September 16th. When applying for the visa to be able to perform in USA, we ran into some unexpected problems with the Greek authorities, which have made it impossible for us to go.
Note: It was the Greek authorities, according to this statement, not the US.
That's a damn shame. It would have been very cool for their first show outside of Greece to have been in the US. Maybe people would have realized a bit that there is a market for metal in the US.
Angrafan said:
I don't understand this.. Why would there be a poblem with the GREEK authorities?
J-Dubya 777 said:
Too much to speculate, on...maybe a warrant of some kind?
Mmm...yes, there may be several reasons for the local authorities for not issuing a passport to (a) bandmember(s), but first that comes up to think of is this: "As of 2006, Greece (Hellenic Republic) has mandatory military service of 12 months for men between the ages of 19 and 45." (Wikipedia: Conscription in Greece)

In most European countries which have mandatory military/civil service for all male citizens, failing to enlist at age of 18 usually cause the person not allowed to leave the country and cannot be issued with a passport. Also an deferred/uncompleted duty may at some defined age become a restriction for getting issued with a passport until the duty has been fulfilled.

Of course there might be other juristical reasons for not be allowed to leave the country, but those related to uncompleted mandatory military service are the most common.
St Enigma said:
Mmm...yes, there may be several reasons for the local authorities for not issuing a passport to (a) bandmember(s)...

Please all - stop speculating about the reason for this. It's quite simple (as Glenn already posted in his official statement) - the visa regulations differ from country to country, and what might be easy from one country in order to enter USA might not be easy in another country. In the situation with Wastefall, we are all really sorry about it all happening, but there's nothing for you guys to speculate about as that only creates stupid rumours that won't do band and festival any good.


manager of Wastefall
Claus / Intromental said:
Please all - stop speculating about the reason for this. It's quite simple (as Glenn already posted in his official statement) - the visa regulations differ from country to country, and what might be easy from one country in order to enter USA might not be easy in another country. In the situation with Wastefall, we are all really sorry about it all happening, but there's nothing for you guys to speculate about as that only creates stupid rumours that won't do band and festival any good.


manager of Wastefall

I think George Bush should send in the troops and get these guys out of there...sort of like the Iranian Hostage situation...:kickass:
St Enigma said:
Mmm...yes, there may be several reasons for the local authorities for not issuing a passport to (a) bandmember(s), but first that comes up to think of is this: "As of 2006, Greece (Hellenic Republic) has mandatory military service of 12 months for men between the ages of 19 and 45." (Wikipedia: Conscription in Greece)

In most European countries which have mandatory military/civil service for all male citizens, failing to enlist at age of 18 usually cause the person not allowed to leave the country and cannot be issued with a passport. Also an deferred/uncompleted duty may at some defined age become a restriction for getting issued with a passport until the duty has been fulfilled.

Of course there might be other juristical reasons for not be allowed to leave the country, but those related to uncompleted mandatory military service are the most common.
So do you know if there's anyone from Wastefall that hasn't done his military service yet? I figured the guys in the band were in their late 20's/early 30's - I'd have thought they'd be done serving by now.
batmura said:
So do you know if there's anyone from Wastefall that hasn't done his military service yet? I figured the guys in the band were in their late 20's/early 30's - I'd have thought they'd be done serving by now.
No, I have no knowledge of the reasons why the Wastefall guys could not get necessary clearance from the authorities of their own country. It may be anything and since their management doesn't want to go in details, I will leave it at that.
I was only making a sophisticated guess, since unfinished military service is the most common reason for being withheld from getting issued with a passport.

See, usually it is the US authorities denying the working visa for a reason or another, which has been the main reason for several European bands not getting on tour in the USA during the past years. This time it was the authorities of Greece who did not let (someone in) the band out of the country.
hope to see them next year!

p.s. their ages are 19-25! so no military service for most of them yet ...:ill: