Watch the first 21 seconds...


Jul 12, 2005
Seattle, WA
... of this video and you will laugh! (Credit to Joey Sturgis for sharing this via fb/twitter.)


Is that Kid Cudi on drums? And wtf is up with the ending of the song? Totally doesn't fit (not that any of it does, but still)
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and that little riff thing at 2:53? how is that "neer nah neer" supposed to lead into a breakdown not even in the same key it sounds?

I'm left feeling wondering if this is even serious? Or has Trollcore officially been invented? :lol:
is he angry?!

Apparently. Here's another video. This one makes me laugh even more. Hahahaha


By the way, after watching this I never want to hear people giving Attack Attack shit. :lol: This band(?) completely redefines whatever the fuck kind of breakdown shit this is.
Hahahahaha, apparently core is very street these days.

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Did y'all see this video of the vocal tracking? omg I can't stop laughing. 00:14 seconds onward is the shit. His pants won't stay on so he has to hold them up I think. Should we setup a paypal fund to buy some food for the kid? Maybe that's why he's so mad at the world... he's just hungry. :lol:
