End of the world on 5-21-2011?

There are failed end-of-the-world predictions that have been documented back for the last couple of thousand years (I think the Jehova's Witnesses still hold the high score) These stupid fuckers shouldn't be allowed outside, their insanity might be catching.
Haha awesome website, I shat myself :lol:
I wish that the world will actually end for all people who believe it ends on 21th May. We would have a lot less stupid motherfuckers then.
Well in case it does happen, I better make sure my EP comes out before May 21. - so that there's one more reason for me to go to hell.
I know for a fact the end of the world will not come on 5 21 2011. The people in the videos talk about the bible so much yet they ignore Mark 13:32 which talks about the Judgment day, It says CLEARLY no one knows the date but God.

I honestly can't wait for 5 21 2011. I would love the see the look's on their faces when nothing happens.


Fucked up shit! Bitch tried to kill her kids and herself because she believes the world is ending.


Wow how can anyone do that to their own kids...