Watch the THOR trailer before its taken down.

Did not care for the editing of the extended trailer. I know it's a tough job to cut a 5 minute teaser, but this is Comic-Con, and this is Thor. DO WORK SON.

Aside from that it looks awesome. Interesting mix of actors...I hope it does the best of them justice.
Kenneth Branagh directing a superhero movie? My interest is peaked. He might be able to give it some class as opposed to be another thinly plotted superhero movie the mindless masses will eat up.
I think we can at least all agree that Thor is the most METAL of the superheroes?

edit: shit... I just realized iron man was made of metal. fuck this movie.

Dude's name is Stark. He's a business man with short slick hair and has a fetish for sunglasses.

Thor is a tall, long haired muscle-bound god who carries an iron hammer to vanquish evil doers with. IMO...Thor is more metal.
Not every superhero needs to be fucking batman and have some massive duality going on with the character.
If anything this movie needs to be sillier.
Maybe they couldn't have shortened to 2 1/2 min. for the short attention span of the majority of viewers. Also, since this movie won't be released till new summer, who knows what changes will be made....hopefully not adding the "silly" for mass appeal.
I was far from bored by the end of the trailer. If anything I think more trailers need to be more representative of the film itself, rather than just being FLASH BANG WALLOP <MOVIE NAME> HUZZAH in 30 seconds just because the world says so.
Thor is the kind of franchise you'd think of as having epic undertones, multilayered stories steeped in nordic symbolism (sadly lacking here >:{ fucking western society,) etc. Key word here being epic. Needs a bit more length to pack in a bit more.
I mean, you could argue that it gives away too much, I could argue that it giving me more to chew on now makes me want to see it later, which it does.
I was far from bored by the end of the trailer. If anything I think more trailers need to be more representative of the film itself, rather than just being FLASH BANG WALLOP <MOVIE NAME> HUZZAH in 30 seconds just because the world says so.
Thor is the kind of franchise you'd think of as having epic undertones, multilayered stories steeped in nordic symbolism (sadly lacking here >:{ fucking western society,) etc. Key word here being epic. Needs a bit more length to pack in a bit more.
I mean, you could argue that it gives away too much, I could argue that it giving me more to chew on now makes me want to see it later, which it does.

Here's a funny thing you should do. If you're quick enough when a movie trailer starts on t.v., mute the sound and its kind of funny to see all the random, disjointed images cut back and forth. Its like tourettes editing. Or, better yet, when one comes on, close your eye and the mash up of dialogue and randomness is funny.
I think the "Thor" trailer was effective in summing up material people may not be familiar if they haven't kept up with the comic book or bare bones mythology.
I'm glad they stuck with the kriby version of asgard and the Norse gods. Fantasy vikings in space for teh win!
If they'd went with a more traditional viking/medieval/fatasy look, it would just end up looking like any other fantasy movie out there.