watching the waves

Dawn Patrol

Feb 3, 2005
I've been tracking guitar for the last days and started to watch the waves in cubase more then listen to it. How tight do you guys go for? In cubase there are 120 clicks between the fourths (1/4) and I felt that if I was not more then 10 clicks away from the beat it was tight enough.
Use your ears, not your eyes (or at the very least, use your ears, THEN your eyes). The best sounding tracks are not always dead on the grid. Stereo width as well as depth and size come from things being slightly out of time with each other, such as stereo guitars being very slightly out of time or a bass guitar hitting just after the kick.
I do this often while tracking. And I find that it sometimes helps, but more often it screws me up because I start anticipating too much.

I find I also anticipate the click track and because of that, I'm usually before the click.
I use the grid allot. The start is really important for the instruments to be locked into each other. I also usually check the bass against hte kick drum, just to get that nice punch that it brings.

You always have to use your ears though, but the using the grid as help is very useful.