Forgot to put automatic fades...

Oct 27, 2007
Montreal, Canada
So yeah, usually first thing I do when I create a session in cubase is to put automatic fades. But last sunday I recorded all the guitars for a song and for an unknown reason, I forgot to put them. So all my tracks are full of little ''clicks''. And it is a 12 minutes song...quadtracked...When I listen to them with Podfarm I dont hear anymore. but for this album we wanted to get them reamp into a real amplifier. I'd like to know if the little clicks will be hearable and if I should retrack the whole song :yell: . It's a shame though cause I really tracked them carefully, the performance is nice and really tight, so it would be a PITA to retrack the whole song.

Or just use a plug-in like Waves x-click or something similar. I recently had a project where a bass player sliced his recording up pretty bad when tracking. I noticed all the pops in the master and threw on the x-click, set the thres and done. Eliminated all the pops without any sound coloring.
In Cubase, you can open the sample editor and remove the clicks manually with the draw tool, its pretty easy to do.
Works too to remove audible clicks caused by clipping.

Also, the clicks like that are usually really short. Sometimes, it works good just cutting them away, and replacing them with the sound that comes a few ms after. So there will be like a repeating kind of effect, or a stutter. But it'll be to short to notice. I use this a lot when quantizing guitars/bass, and it always work out well.