Watchmaker: From pissing on metalcore to the war in Iraq. Please read.

Holy shit Leng Tch'e, Ion Dissonance, and Watchmaker on the same bill I would KILL. FUCKING. EVERYONE. to see that show. Well, figuratively at least. :p

Anyhow, nice to see he's a caring human being. The first paragraph in my review was right, go NAD. :Spin:
Obviously some things go over your head, Erik. I suppose you think Darkthrone practices what they preach, but I also think you're trying to be funny. Either way, I'll attribute 90% of what you say to your youth speaking.
I heard a few teenage girls singing Wallet Sized Dental Records the other day in the mall.
J. said:
Yeah, Watchmaker is just rollin' in the bling-bling.

Which is exactly why it would make sense for them to purposely push this "we're so violent, hate, killl, kill, kill" angle. Controversy sells records, and I guess if people think they are just soooo extreme that their interest will be piqued.

But then again, I'm a jaded bastard. :Spin:
Thing is, they aren't selling too many records.

And the violent thing has been done so many times over, people are over it.
I go to museums because I enjoy them, same reason I listen to music or read a book. Just because it may be intellectually stimulating does not eliminate the entertainment factor.

If I didn't enjoy the thought provoking hobbies such as those described above, why would I engage in them?
Erik said:
You're right, it was. Just so everyone knows, I do think that was a tragic story. But I don't have a record out called "Kill. Fucking. Everyone."
Yea, I took in everything you said about that...I'm just keeping schtum about it. Not in the mood for taking pot shots at a band I've never listened to :oops: but fair point all the same.
So if a band doesn't practice what they preach, it's all "image". Then 99% of metal bands has an image.
I like the music on the CD, and some of the lyrics arent bad. This statement however just seems like a bleak attempt to show a Human aspect of the band. I cant see them profiting or gaining any new fans by Bryan saying that though.
Since Erik doesn't have any Watchmaker CD's, I'll elaborate on something that is obvious to any fan of the band.

The "violence" in their album names, 'Kill.Crush.Destroy.' and 'Kill.Fucking.Everyone.' is part homage to old-school "true" metal and part title-to-our-style-of-music. The album titles have nothing to do with the lyrical content. Brian Livoti has stated in nearly every interview he has done that their music is meant to "kill" the listener. It has nothing to do with politics, human morals/antimorals, etc.

Their music is violent sounding . . . nothing more.

The lyrics are actually on the intellectual side.

Watchmaker has never claimed to be a violent bunch of hooligans. However, they've always claimed to have violent music.
yeah, if you're going to start on how "musical content has to be 100% honest and REAL", you might want to read some lyrics by Darkthrone, Bathory, Slayer, etc. just because they sing about spilling the blood and killing the virgins (and obviously never did it) doesn't mean their art should be seen as a compromise or dishonest.
So if a band doesn't practice what they preach, it's all "image". Then 99% of metal bands has an image.
finally it is beginning to sink in to some people :)
our heroes are truely poser businessmen
heck .. this is why I love Negura Bunget so much ... half is the music ... half is their marketing/business sense.

most bands that made it big had someone in the band helepd them achieve success. Kiss, Metallica, Sepultura, Slayer
lurch70 said:
heck .. this is why I love Negura Bunget so much ... half is the music ... half is their marketing/business sense.
I'll take a wild guess here:

40% of people who bought 'N Crugu Baradului did so because of the beautiful packaging, not just the music. It's fantastic marketing because nobody wants a CD-R (or set of MP3 downloads) when they can have something that's so nicely packaged. You gotta respect that. :cool:
Marketing? Business? Pardon me, but that's just bullshit. Half music and half ideology with a splendid sense of aesthetics perhaps. No, I do not buy shit because it looks cool (I did buy "Sala Molksa" you know) but I do appreciate bands putting some thought into the aesthetic aspect of the overall package.
I am not saying it is not their, keen sense of knowing what looks good that sells.
But the band is involved in a lot of things to promote themselves. Negura magazine, now they are involved with starting a label, their website is done by a friend of theirs who is probably one of the best ad/packaging/desing guys in Romania.

Of course their heart is in it and it comes through as well. I am just saying that everything involves marketing and business sense. I do not believe that there is 1 band out there that is "pure" ideology.