

Nov 30, 2004
How many of you guyz have heard of this band? They are described as technical metal. They got some really weird songs, very good musicianship tho, I love Control and Resistance. :hotjump:
Kool that you know them Marcel. So many prog people have no clue on the technical metal like Watchtower and Spiral Achitect. I was thinkin about this band Spastic Ink I hear they are technical as well, never heard em tho. :headbang:
I used to like technical metal, but now I don't... It gets boring, you can't headbang nor follow the rythm, because there isn't any... Besides I now lost interest in hearing people play as difficult as they can't, I now prefer hearing more melodic stuff: for example I prefer hearing Pink Floyd over Spiral Architect (except perhaps when I'm furious or stressed:)).
if you want to headbang then listen martyr..... also "technical metal" as you people describe it..... I just call it Music..... (don't like to categorize art)
I'm a big Spastic Ink and Spiral Architect fan.... very talented people! Especially Ron Jarzombek... I'm playing guitar myself and since I started playing I was always trying to play his stuff ;) at the beginning this can turn out very hard ;) but now I don't have much problems anymore.....

Yeah, Watchtower and Psychotic Waltz are still the gods of Technical progressive metal/rock/jazz.... They have created this genre to what it is today!
Again, the first reply is from Marcel. Hey Marcel, i love you more on each post you send here to the forum :)

Maybe Ron jarzombek is a nice guy, but you are nicer :)

PS: By the way, i hear that Ron too posts on his forum quite often.
Sun Caged said:
Ron is truly a nice guy, I met him last year during the Headway festival in Amstelveen where he used my guitar equipment for the Watchtower gig he did at Headway.


Ron is fucking incredible. I just go ink compatible like a month or two ago and man that's some sick shit. :headbang: