Watershed - Questions - New Fan !!

hey wts up.js discovered this site,well wanted to say dt opeth is really ausum n im probably the biggest fan of opeth and has compiled two ov their albums the roundhouse tapes and watershed and made it available in lahore 3 monts beforeit ws realesed.deliverence ws the first song i ever heard and since than i am into opteh and literaly dreams opeth,cant pass the day without opeth actually, well im a guitarist and can cover opeth songslike delivierence, blackwater park,herliquen forest,masters aprentices and etc i live in lahore dha and lookin for drummer and another guitarist who can cover the solos and a vocalist too, i my self can cover mikael akerfedlt's vocals but cant sing while playin, the growls not the clean cz i am not a vocalist,do listen to blood bath mikaels other band it is also kick ass and yea i can cover cathulu dawn too, talha_opeth@hotmail.com is my email id pls do reply if any one available thnx

nice to see that u are an opeth fan but i had a headache reading your post...
I envy people that have only just got into the band, there is so much to discover. Doing that in a short space of time, rather than over the last 12 years would be one Hell of a ride...

It's crazy. Finding a band with nine album that are all brilliant and different enough to be appreciated separately is an amazing trip.

Seems there is an upside to being a noob.
how come u had a head ache?????n pls if any drummer and guitarist cn cover opeth in lahoer pls lemme know cz im waitin to play with a band..........n yea i cn really cover all the songs jst in case u ppl think i am lyin or smthin........pls email me talha_opeth@hotmail.com
He uses the VH-100 from Laney. Judging from the front panel, it's quite an "unsophisticated" amp, meaning it doesn't have gazillions of knobs and settings, but
a) better have 1-2 great tones than 100 crappy ones
b) Mike apparently only uses the clean channel (live) with all the sounds coming from the Boss GT-8 (GT-10 by now?)

I thought he was using the GH100L Laney head. I also know he owns the Fender Roc Pro 1000 head. He also owns some laney combos.
More importantly, which radio station plays Opeth?

My buddy called me around 12 - 1 am a month ago and asked me to turn on 98 Rock in the Tampa Bay area. He said, "I just got in my car and this band sounds like Opeth. Is it them?" I flipped over to my radio and sure enough, Demon of the Fall was playing. I was shocked at two things. One, my friend was able to identify them (he's a pop rock guitarist that's heard Opeth through me) and two, that Demon of the Fall was on a radio station in Tampa in the year of 2008.
how come u had a head ache?????n pls if any drummer and guitarist cn cover opeth in lahoer pls lemme know cz im waitin to play with a band..........n yea i cn really cover all the songs jst in case u ppl think i am lyin or smthin........pls email me talha_opeth@hotmail.com

Cause you are not typing FULL WORDS. Your stalking in that retarded l33t speak and its VERY annoying. If you were texting from your cellphone that would be 1 thing. But considering your on a PC its just LAZY !!!!!!!!!
My buddy called me around 12 - 1 am a month ago and asked me to turn on 98 Rock in the Tampa Bay area. He said, "I just got in my car and this band sounds like Opeth. Is it them?" I flipped over to my radio and sure enough, Demon of the Fall was playing. I was shocked at two things. One, my friend was able to identify them (he's a pop rock guitarist that's heard Opeth through me) and two, that Demon of the Fall was on a radio station in Tampa in the year of 2008.

That is weird. Maybe they play them more oversees, but not in the states. Although since I havent listened to radio in like 10 years I wouldnt know.
Well, 98 Rock every year, has this "pay for play" weekend around the holidays, (December) and you pay (proceeds go to charity) for a band request. The harder it is to find, the higher the price/donation. Even though I don't listen to the radio, (haven't for over 17 years) a friends band, along with many other local bands, take advantage of this thing every year. Around this time few years ago, I remember a friend calling me twice to tell me that he heard first- Deliverance, and then second- Metropolis. (Dream Theater) Sometimes 98 will play a band that's in town a few days before or after. And Opeth was here on the PN tour a little more than a month ago.