Waves bass rider

They just sent me the promotion in my email. Its the same concept as the vocal rider plugin, which Im assuming if it does what it is supposed to, it might be my next purchase. I HATEEEEE automating note by note.
What´s the difference between this and a multiband compressor with auto-release and auto-makeup gain?
I'm very interested in this. Anything that helps flatten the low-end of bass tracks is a boon.

I can't help but wonder how this differs from a compressor at its heart though. Both are ultimately automatic gain adjustment tools. The speed at which the fader reacts is similar to 'Attack' and 'Release' envelopes, and the 'range' feature is one that many compressors have.
*uses vocal rider on base*


/Ah well, low end needs to be controlled anyways, but for volume its usually working.
The thing is, when your want the bass to stick out (higher notes) its usually less dominant in the lows so that automatically balances that somewhat.
Hey Guys,

The obvious question you are going to have is how is Bass Rider different than the Vocal Rider.

The main point was to make something that would give you a solid bass without the feel of compression. It uses a note detector, not pitch but more note envelope detection. You can still use your favorite compressor for coloration.

It's riding is more aggressive then the Vocal rider.

As the Vocal rider it also has a sensitivity knob and Slow/Fast switch. It has a Spill knob, which address recording spill such as high hat spills, and an Artifacts knob, which address more the sound that the bass makes when slapping, sliding etc

As always give the 7 day demo a shot before purchasing to see if it's going to click with your productions style.

I hope this helps.
i never got the advantage of volume automation anyway. tried it once in cubase, took me almost an hour to set up everything correctly.
then i wanted to lower the bass volume in general...had to rewrite all th automation again...FAIL!

now i just slice up my basstrack and drag the event volume up/down until it sounds ok, very quick and effective.
now i just slice up my basstrack and drag the event volume up/down until it sounds ok, very quick and effective.

Not if you have compressors running in real time, that will just either feed more or less. Reaper actually has a cool feature, you can automate everything and still change the fader level, so automation remains the same and affects in relation to that level, but I don't use Reaper anyway :S
Not if you have compressors running in real time, that will just either feed more or less. Reaper actually has a cool feature, you can automate everything and still change the fader level, so automation remains the same and affects in relation to that level, but I don't use Reaper anyway :S

you mean it won't work if i use compression while recording?
i tried this but i never had a comp that was able to even out
everything nicely without hearing it work extremely.

such a shame that cubase does not have the function you described,
i haven't checked the "6" update yet.

you mean it won't work if i use compression while recording?
i tried this but i never had a comp that was able to even out
everything nicely without hearing it work extremely.

such a shame that cubase does not have the function you described,
i haven't checked the "6" update yet.


What you discribed (slicing up events...) is all pre-fader. everything you do is automating the loudness of your events. If you have a comp on your inserts it will be fed with more or less signal which will affect the compression and everything after it.
Oh and btw: You don't have to rewrite all the automation if you want to raise the general volume. Zoom out so you can see all the automation for the track. Now select all volume-automation on your basstrack and hold... uhm.. ctrl I think so it stays in place and you can only move up and down. I do it all the time.

I don't automate the bass much at all though. Only for sweet spots when I really wanna hear the bass up front or if it's too loud during lead bass parts
Are you talking about automating the bass between song sections/riffs or note by note?

Note by note, as far as I know.

I read something from one of his assistants once that he rides/automates the bass note by note to keep it consistent relative to the rest of the mix. His bass tones are definitely incredibly solid; they're probably my favorite thing about his mixes.
That's quite a significant time investment into a mix, especially when you consider manual vocal riding, FX throws, and all the other spice that goes into it. Maybe this plug-in is cause for his assistants to breathe a sigh of relief, haha.
That's quite a significant time investment into a mix, especially when you consider manual vocal riding, FX throws, and all the other spice that goes into it. Maybe this plug-in is cause for his assistants to breathe a sigh of relief, haha.

I think this is pretty common technique these days with many mix engineers and takes only the time of assistants while prepping the mix.. ;) I've seen same kind of comments from low-end-note-automation at least from Staub and Shipley. Any detailed info on that C_F_H_13?

I've tried the detailed automation couple times and it really works but honestly without assistants there's no way of having time to do this on every project. Let's see what the bass rider demo can do to help this.
I think this is pretty common technique these days with many mix engineers and takes only the time of assistants while prepping the mix.. ;) I've seen same kind of comments from low-end-note-automation at least from Staub and Shipley. Any detailed info on that C_F_H_13?

I know shipley does it, and andy some how does do it manually on the console. All you need is an assistant who has 2-3 hours and an RMS meter and you can do it manually.

Just talked to a friend who beta'd this plugin, and he said that it actually uses some crazy algorithm that goes after more perceived volume then actual volume...which I think is awesome.

Tried it out briefly yesterday and loved it. This literally saves me a day of work or more on every album I work on.