Waves CLA-76 vs UAD 1176 DC-offset & GR differences!

Sup guys. I know there are million 1176 versus threads. But i just noticed something weird.
On my bass I am using the Waves CLA-76 Blacky (Ratio 4:1, Input - 30, Output -15, Attack 4, Release 6.) I'm getting about 10 db Gain Reduction but there is loads of low energy sitting below 80 hz even though i have hi passed it at 80hz *before and after the CLA-76.) Is this DC-Offset?

Secondly, i then put the UAD 1176LN on with the exact same settings as the CLA76, and here is where im getting really confused. I'm now only getting a GR of around 1 - 2db but there is no low energy issues below 80 anymore.

Any1 experience this or know why its happening?
I shot your post over to Dev and got the following reply:

"We modeled CLA's specific units and do not know what unit UAD modeled. There are quite big differences between the threshold of different units and the FET components they are based on."

Feel free to shoot me an email direct at tim@waves.com If you can send a small portion of your bass audio file we can take a look at it.

Ok so some of you might find this useful. Just got feedback from Tim at Waves concerning the 2 units differences.

Hi Clinton,

Here is the reply I got back from the Dev department.

"I checked it and he is correct there is a big difference, but the difference is not in GR but rather in the calibration of the Input and Output knobs.
The 1176 has special input and output attenuators that are very non linear, that means that moving from input 30 to 24 will not increase the input by 6dbs but anywhere between 3-9 db's. those attenuators where not consistant as well, you could buy 2 from the same batch and they will have different attenuation in each point. On top of that i dont know which revision UAD modeled, but we modeled the D(Blacky) and AB (Bluey), this could also be part of the differences if UAD modeled the Revision F where they changed the output amplifier to a Push Pull rather then Class A that was used on the D Revision.
So as you can see the variables could be quite big, and no one claims that putting the same settings on the 2 plug-ins will give you the same sound. What we can guarantee is that if you dial in a setting on CLA76 and Chris Lord Alge 1176 you will get the same sound:)
I did a test where i matched the GR on both units and they produced very similar sound and thats whats important.
You can try the same attack/release values you used, but put the following input and output values and you will get fairly close in sound:
CLA-76- Input -21.8, Output -13.5
UAD 1176- Input -13 aprox, Output -14 Aprox (make sure you have the same GR and the same output level), and listen.

Regarding the Low Freq below 80 hz, if you get 10db's of gain reduction and use the output to makeup for level loose, you will boost the low frequency you got rid of, the same thing you will hear on the UAD plug-in. What you see on the spectrum analyzer is actually the noise of the CLA-76, you dont see it on the AUD because they did not model this part of the HW unit."

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

Tim Holbert
Waves Audio LTD.