Waves IDR?!


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
I recently bought L1 when it was on sale and realized I have extra plugins called IDR (mono and stereo). Apparently this is Increased Digital Resolution.

Never heard of. How do use?!
It's for dithering. From going from a higher bit rate to a lower bit rate.
You're DAW has a built in dithering thing so you'd have to turn it off so there's not more than one dithering process.... I think.
Like if you're working in 96k 24bit and you want to export it into 44.1 16 bit for cd you'd dither it down with the waves plugin on the master bus on the last effects insert
I think.
Hmm, thanks guys. I was reading up on dithering as I don't know much about it.

Apparently, it just introduces low levels of noise and can create depth in audio.

Why not just record everything in the bit rate that you want the end result to be in the first place?

Dithering is still very foggy to me.
It pretty much just replaces one type of noise with a less noticeable type of noise, I only ever notice a difference from 8 bits down so I don't bother when going from 24 down to 16, if there is a ballhair of a difference my mixes are nowhere near good enough to give a shit about it yet, chasing that last few inches when you're miles off seems strange to me, like guys with the shittiest guitar sounds you've ever heard worrying about what brand of battery sounds best for their active pickups type of thing.
With all these noisey plugins ala VTM or Reelbus, would dither still be necessary when you're exporting your mix from a superior resolution to a lower one while using oneof those tape or desk emulation in your session ?
I've read that if a plugin has like a "Realistic" hum or like the CLA-76 has the "Analog 50 and 60hz" that dithering isn't necessary if you have a bunch of those plugins running. Could be wrong though.
With all these noisey plugins ala VTM or Reelbus, would dither still be necessary when you're exporting your mix from a superior resolution to a lower one while using oneof those tape or desk emulation in your session ?

I had the same thought a while ago. Actually I think the noise from those plugins stacked is louder than any dither, so it's not needed anymore. But if you f.e. fade in/out a track and the noise gets faded too, then you could use dither still.
Sorry to bring up an old thread but you know.. better search than start a new one, right?

Question - If you're planning on exporting the master wav from the DAW using the same sample-rate (24b/44.1) and do the conversion on a different software, you don't need to use IDR. Am I correct?

Sorry to bring up an old thread but you know.. better search than start a new one, right?

Question - If you're planning on exporting the master wav from the DAW using the same sample-rate (24b/44.1) and do the conversion on a different software, you don't need to use IDR. Am I correct?


I've read that if a plugin has like a "Realistic" hum or like the CLA-76 has the "Analog 50 and 60hz" that dithering isn't necessary if you have a bunch of those plugins running. Could be wrong though.

Man, what if I told you that the "Analog" buttom is just a white noise generator lol
while the dither is a noise shaping