Waves InPhase

Looks like some of those features could be useful to some (ex: having a visual indication of the current waveform relationship between 2 tracks would be nice), but I feel perfectly content just using the free Phasebug and my ears to phase-align things.
Been waiting for a TDM tool like this for a long time!
I even suggested they make something like this about a year ago so I'm well pleased, this kind of thing will induce a fair amount of latency in native format so it's great to see it in TDM
Learn what phase is before buying this plug-in.
You'll soon learn that doing it in a DAW is far superior to using up processing and adding latency to do the same movements, but without a fancy GUI.

Total waste of money.
Waves are crazy.
Not too condescending there huh !

I know what phase is thanks :guh:
if there wasnt a requirement for a plugin like this there wouldnt be several on the market.
Learn what phase is before buying this plug-in.
You'll soon learn that doing it in a DAW is far superior to using up processing and adding latency to do the same movements, but without a fancy GUI.

Total waste of money.
Waves are crazy.

What do you do if you have 2 signals that are 90 degrees out of phase with each other? A simple polarity button isn't going to fix that.
Learn what phase is before buying this plug-in.
You'll soon learn that doing it in a DAW is far superior to using up processing and adding latency to do the same movements, but without a fancy GUI.

Total waste of money.
Waves are crazy.

Like Wisheraser said, you can't adjust polarity (other than a full 180 degree flip) in a DAW. You might be able to time-align two signals, but phase is also frequency dependent (not just time dependent). That is where devices/plugs like InPhase or Little Labs IBP come in. Waves might be crazy, but not because of this plug - I've been waiting on a plug like this for awhile.
What about manual alignment? (referring to time alignment / phase coherency)
That's the exact same thing, takes less time, works better and costs less.

You might be able to time-align two signals, but phase is also frequency dependent (not just time dependent).

I'll keep using my non-linear EQs.
What about manual alignment? (referring to time alignment / phase coherency)
That's the exact same thing

...Except that it's not. Time-aligning two tracks based on lining up waveforms might emphasize/enhance punch and it can improve the phase relationship between the tracks, but it won't necessarily fix the potential phase issues that might exist between two tracks (not to mention it doesn't give the user any control over which frequency ranges to focus on "fixing"). It can also create NEW phase issues too - so if you time-align the two tracks and you suddenly get a big dip at 100Hz (because the 100Hz wave is suddenly out of phase when you align the two mics) you're screwed.

Also, many people (myself included) don't like time-aligning, say, room mics with close drum mics, because the inherent delay is part of the sound. So a tool that can improve the phase relationships between those two mics and keep the delay intact is beneficial.
You've just repeated my argument against the plug-ins existence - so there's no real point in me replying.

All I said was: totally pointless plug-in.
Manual alignment + EQ will do a better sounding job than a $99 fancy non-automated GUI eating processing power, imo. I prefer to know what's happening to my signals and where things are being pushed.
Moving tracks to align them is time alignment not phase alignment, phase shift can delay only certain frequencies and not others or different frequencies by different ammounts and an eq is not going to fix frequency time delay ,
Well, this this was released in 2005... and it's free.

