Waves NLS comparison CLIP!

Could anyone do a similar test with the VCC? I'd love to hear if there's a bigger difference.
I got a chance to mess around with this again yesterday quickly, I tried using the "stereo channel" in dual mono mode on everything including mono sources, with the drive at 6, checking a phasescope it really does "stereo" a mono source, and something else I noticed is each console does it either more or less (the emi doing it the most) and each channel in the console is different (some keeping the sound pure mono, some doing some really weird shit), so I'm guessing this could have an affect on widening and adding more "3d-ness" to the sound.

I never got a chance to try anything other than that quick test.

Could you [Clark Kent] maybe switch all instances to stereo (dual mono mode) even on mono sources and see what happens, maybe post the with and without again?
Koolio thanks, I'm guessing it's not going to have much effect/affect (to me this plugin is a bust) but who knows.
Something about dual mono vs stereo

