Waves plugins slowing down my meters...


Nov 27, 2009
Berlin, Germany
Hey, as in an other thread mentioned, I have problems to get the Waves Demos running.
Thought I'll make a thread cause may others have/had(would be better;)) similar problems.

I'm in contact with Waves(support is cool) but maybe someone has an other idea.


If I load some Waves plugins(for example RenEQ) all my meters in Cubase reacting very slow and the whole responsiveness is slow and akward. The GUI reacts also totally slow on every plugin, no way to dial them in, proper.

Ideas from Waves:
"Please take these steps:

1. Go to: Start Menu > Settings > Control Panel.
2. Select Regional and Language Options.
3. Click on the Customize icon.
4. Make the following changes:
Decimal symbol: . (dot)
Digit grouping symbol: , (comma)
List separator: , (comma)
Negative number format: -1.1

Please also update your graphic card with the latest drivers available.

Waves new plug-ins' graphic interfaces relies on your display adapter CPU
rather your computer local CPU as their power source.

Please take these steps to assure best performance.

1. Install the latest driver for your display adapter.
In order to find out what display adapter model you have
Right-Click on My Computer > Manage > Device Manager > Display Adapters.

Latest and certified Drivers are available in all manufacturers' websites.

2. Adjust your computer for Best Performance:
Right-Click on My Computer > Properties > Advanced Tab > Under Performance, click Settings >
Visual Effects Tab > select 'Adjust for best performance'.

Please let me know if ti solves it."

I even tried out an other graphic card(Gainward 8600GT). Same problems.
Of course I followed all instructions from Waves.

CPU is normal!

AMD Phenom x4 955
Gigabyte 790fxt-ud5p
OCZ Rams(4GB)
Geforce 210
Win XP
Cubase 5.5.3(also checked with 5.1.3)

I wanna test this shit out, SSL seems to rock:hotjump:
Ideas from Waves:
"Please take these steps:

1. Go to: Start Menu > Settings > Control Panel.
2. Select Regional and Language Options.
3. Click on the Customize icon.
4. Make the following changes:
Decimal symbol: . (dot)
Digit grouping symbol: , (comma)
List separator: , (comma)
Negative number format: -1.1:
Hmm, that would be very confusing if you're paying your bills and such on your computer ie. 1,000 or 1.000, one or thousand depending where you live. I think in many/most EU countries a dot is used as thousand separator. Sounds like an excuse from Waves to me, the program should adapt to your system settings and not the other way around.
"You've turned off all filtering and aliasing and set perf mode to Performance?"

Imo, yes. But I don't understand it, my graphic card is ok, the other tested one too, and I don't wanna play games, it's just a fkng GUI.
I even tested the RAM's with UBCD the whole christmas night.

Sickan, are you in conact with Waves?
Are you using the V7 version?

I felt like a hacker, JHA:lol:

"i also had these problems. changing my graphic card driver solved it."

I dunno, I'll try it today, but atm I really don't know which drivers I should download instead cause I've used the latest ones for the 2 different cards I#ve tested...

Good to know that I'm not the only one Dudes!

They need a system information file, this is the file Cubase spits out, isn't it?!
Sickan, are you in conact with Waves?
Are you using the V7 version?

Nope, no contact with Waves. Have searched on the support site and alot of forums but nothing have solved it.
Yeah, the V7 version.
The wierd thing is that when I have rebooted it runs smoothly, but when the computer has been on for a while it becomes very slow.
I have tried different graphic drivers but none have worked : (
Ah, k.

I'm on the way to get me a new graphic card.
Going for some more power now, and I will fucking finally start mixing again, the whole holidays where fucked up from this problem.

I'll report in some hours if it makes an difference.
Seems to be common with some of the newer releases that either new drivers or more powerful cards are required to run some of these plugins graphically. Even Cakewalk with the recent release of Sonar X1 is really hammering old video cards because of the new "Skylight" interface architecture. In a recent thread Seth from Cakewalk suggested that to run Sonar smoothly with no graphic hitches people need a current generation video card with at least 1 Gig of RAM.
i got a very old graphic card (ati 3000 i guess) and it works fine after the installing a different driver.
i don´t even know if it is the correct one for the card but it works.
Ok, problem seems solved.

Unfortunately with dropping some (serious) money for a graphic card.
It's like Jind mentioned, seems like we all have to upgrade our graphic cards sooner or later.

It's sucks a little that we (audio nerds;)) have to invest in a acceptably graphic card.

I hope I'm set with this card for a long time, it bugs me somehow to pay for a gamers thing:lol:
I can't help much as I don't have anything all that new from Waves but my 1st thought when you mentioned you were having sluggish responsiveness was that somehow their updated versions of the plugins are just way more graphic-resource intense. Thats one of the main reasons I've kinda settled in (on this machine) with my current version of PT and my plugins ... although I may update my McDSP plugs soon cause the new GUI looks pretty slick :p However, I'm also waiting to hear if anyone has had any problems with those as well. I have everything working totally ace on the pc and don't wanna rock the boat.

Aside from that, now that you seem to have solved your problem with the plugins, how are you liking the ReEQ?

I miss that fucker, I really do

and my RenComp
This happened to me with the Waves C6 plug-in. I had no idea what it was, nor how to fix it, because I already had a beefy PC with a fairly good video card.

What ended up fixing it was connecting to 'Auto Update' and letting Win 7 run through its course of updating.
Similar stuff happening with Kontak Player and SSD 3.5 EX on Pro Tools. The meters get all sluggish and the overall response in PT starts to feel sticky. I haven't really cared about it as I rarely use SSD, but on a recent album I ended up using it, and it was a pain in the ass to have the SSD in a different session and go back to bounce the tracks again whenever something had to be changed. No idea if it's a problem with Kontakt or SSD, though.
In order for ANY waves product to work properly you always have to have your machine up to date with the latest drivers for every piece of hardware on your machine. Putting the 'Latest drivers" on when you first install a piece of hardware and then never updating again doesn't cover it. Most companies who release new hardware offer new drivers for their product every 30 to 90 days. you should check the websites for ALL of your hardware at the very least once a month.

An even better idea would be to SIGN UP FOR UPDATES!!! That way every time a new driver is released they tell you via email.

As a PC tech I can tell you 99.9% of all PC problems are caused by people not updating Drivers, Windows Update, or Anti-Virus. A PC requires maintenance and if you dont keep upwith said maintenance it will fall apart. Same with guitars and tube amps, I really would hate to see some of your guys guitars and amps and the condition then are in solely based off of how often you guys update and maintain your PC's .... ughhh the rest of all of your gear must look like a train wreck ;)
Ok, problem seems solved.

Unfortunately with dropping some (serious) money for a graphic card.
It's like Jind mentioned, seems like we all have to upgrade our graphic cards sooner or later.

It's sucks a little that we (audio nerds;)) have to invest in a acceptably graphic card.

I hope I'm set with this card for a long time, it bugs me somehow to pay for a gamers thing:lol:

I dont want to be a dick here but a graphics cards isnt a "gamer thing". Its a necessary piece of hardware that converts all your video on screen so you can see WTF you are doing. Having an old video card is as bad as trying to run a DAW and store its files on a 5GB hard drive.

Ughhhh ... some people just dont get it.

This is as bad as not changing your strings. Seriously!
Aside from that, now that you seem to have solved your problem with the plugins, how are you liking the ReEQ?

I miss that fucker, I really do

and my RenComp

I've tested it out yesterday and really like it, so far...

He really bites in, the Sonnox EQ I demoed before was waaaay more laid back.
But I think I will buy the MusicianII and the SSL Bundle.

I think it's a pretty good bang for the buck.
A plus is def the delay and some comps in the musician bundle.

I love the Oxford plugins, but they're rather expensive and I don't have the money, atm.

I update my PC, but my graphic card was just not powerfull enough.
I dont want to be a dick here but a graphics cards isnt a "gamer thing". Its a necessary piece of hardware that converts all your video on screen so you can see WTF you are doing. Having an old video card is as bad as trying to run a DAW and store its files on a 5GB hard drive.

Ughhhh ... some people just dont get it.

This is as bad as not changing your strings. Seriously!

Yeah, but spending 150€ for such a unit makes me not feel better, I would rather spend these money for -C-'s for my 6505...

I totally get that I need a decent card, but I thought(and NEVER had problems till Waves) 50 bucks would be enough for a unit I do not push to the limit, in any kinds.
Yeah, but spending 150€ for such a unit makes me not feel better, I would rather spend these money for -C-'s for my 6505...

I totally get that I need a decent card, but I thought(and NEVER had problems till Waves) 50 bucks would be enough for a unit I do not push to the limit, in any kinds.

Acutally using your DAW does push it to the max due to the fact as to how fast it needs to update the display on screen to have real time meters and be able to display a wav file as it gets created ;)

Problem is when most people think of "Graphics" they think of some uber 3d super shaded CGI or Gamer shit. Thats not the case at all, your desk top is a graphic, albeit not a animated one. In order for your screen to update in real time when it comes to any kind of moving picture or graphic it directly affects the graphics card :)