Waves Vocal Rider-Anyone use it yet?

I was just on Waves site checking out this new thing called The Waves Vocal Rider where supposively you can set a target level and it will level your vocal to that target for the whole mix if you want!

Im used to doing automation, and what really sucks is if you automate your vocals and then realize they are too loud and have to try and group the vox and lower them but then sometimes if you automated it makes stupid slopes! AHHHH

Has anyone tried this vocal rider plug in yet?!

Im going to download the demo on tuesday and try it out. Im just curious if anyone else has yet though.
Seriously I don't understand why anyone really cares that Waves may have stolen the idea from someone else. The question is, is it or is it not a good plug-in? I think that should be the only thing that matters, eh?

Anyway, Waves offers demos on *I think* every plug-in. If you have an iLok, just get the demo, they are usually ~60 days so that is plennnnty of time to try it and see for yourself.
haven't tried it yet.....but only cause I think I may like it and can't afford it.
instead I'll just hit the 1176 so hard that I don't have to worry about levels anymore ;)