Waves Vocal Rider and wave rider

Well it's a joke of course.
Never took a look at this plugin from them?

this good plugin just do automation, you set a db range for your vocals and bam it writes down the fader riding across the entire song.
Price? just 415$ lol
They're fucking crazy, how can you let people pay that much for this?

Waves - Jews for a reason

It's by no means a joke, there's recently been quite a lot of discussion about the Vocal Rider in here.
Might want to be careful about the Jews part of your post dude. Not every Jew takes too kindly to being stereotyped as the capitalist evil thug, even if it's meant in a light hearted way
They're out of hand with their prices

I seriously wish some of these places that sell Waves plugins would work out a way to sell an a la carte bundle the way Waves offers on their site. I can buy the Gold bundle from sweetwater for like $750 and get what .. 26 plugins, 10 of which (at least) I'll never use. But you go onto the Waves site and pick a bundle with just the 6 you want and they sell for $1200 or more

its ridiculous
Might want to be careful about the Jews part of your post dude. Not every Jew takes too kindly to being stereotyped as the capitalist evil thug, even if it's meant in a light hearted way

I got jews friends so I know them very well.
It was a joke anyway ;) nothing serious I'm not fascist nor nazi
Anyway as Italian I'm not offended by people telling we are :
Spaghetti - pizza - mandolino - black moustache.
So I guess jews on teh forum should take it as a joke, a little joke
Don't you think that with this plugin you will lost the aproximation and distances effects on loudness that a good singer make when he/she sings ?
hahaha The I know insert race card defense. It's a tuff one dude. I make african american jokes all the time because I find them hilarious and most of the time true.
Sometimes I get called out on them and the only defense I have is "I'm not racist" Or "I know a shit load of black people" Neither seem to work.

The thing is that the studio in my guest house is a "hip hop" studio. I have black folks around me 24/7. Good people too. They find it funny so I get kinda lost. I guess it's all good between friends.

Yes, waves is insane with the prices. I'll never give them a di . . er wait, they got me too. :erk:
Don't you think that with this plugin you will lost the aproximation and distances effects on loudness that a good singer make when he/she sings ?

No more than compression and limiting :p The tonality of the vocalist moving should still be there, but you want the volume consistent is all.
Well, as long as people pay their prices, they have no reason to lower them. I mean, people who actually buy them usually don't come out saying it was a shitty deal...

It seems awfully lot for a bunch of bytes, but Waves definitely isn't the only company when it comes to high prices. It seems more often than not, there's ridiculously priced software out there that you don't have the choice NOT purchasing if you want to work professionally on certain fields of work. I'm fine by just not using them until being able to work professionally.
i feel like this would be way more useful for guys in post production for film/tv. personally have no interest in it... actually it might be cool on a snare track, before the compressor...
Well, as long as people pay their prices, they have no reason to lower them. I mean, people who actually buy them usually don't come out saying it was a shitty deal...

It seems awfully lot for a bunch of bytes, but Waves definitely isn't the only company when it comes to high prices. It seems more often than not, there's ridiculously priced software out there that you don't have the choice NOT purchasing if you want to work professionally on certain fields of work. I'm fine by just not using them until being able to work professionally.

Well well... Waves definitely make some great products, albeit quite pricey. I think everyone can agree on that. But indeed, a lot of people still buy them, just like you point out. What I think deserves to be said though is that a lot of studios probably feel like they "have to" have them to attract clients (especially the ones that have different producers coming in). It's a competition thing.
The thing is, just like with ProTools as a DAW, Waves is probably the most recognizable name in the business when it comes to plug-ins. I mean, they get the job done, and I'm happy with my Waves purchases and look forward to owning more, just saying heh. Same story different chapter, as they say.
I have it but I've only used it for one project so far and only on vocals. Just an fyi, there is a bug, and no fix yet as far as I know. After you set up the plug in and have it listen to the audio and apply the automation, you are going to have to remember to turn the plug-in on to "read" mode every time you reopen the session. Or, it reverts to off, and the automation does not get activated. This can be really annoying if you just want to go back into a mix, do some changes and do a quick bounce. It's too easy to forget to reactivate the plug-in every time. Very annoying IMO. Other than that, it's a pretty easy plug to use, and it can save some time. I'm still messing with it though, and I'm hoping that I can tweak it more effectively so it reacts a bit faster to really dynamic vocals. - paul
I think I'll buy wave rider...89$ seems reasonable for me....be it only for this reason:

-You can also liven up your drum sound by reverse-ducking the room mics triggered by toms and snares
I think I'll buy wave rider...89$ seems reasonable for me....be it only for this reason:

-You can also liven up your drum sound by reverse-ducking the room mics triggered by toms and snares

you can do that with the digi rack exp/gate. Just key the expander on the room mics from the snare/toms and adjust the expander to taste. It takes alittle tweaking but it's super easy.