way back, through the distant mists of time

Diamond Dave

Sheep in Kiss makeup
Apr 18, 2001
Bristol, England
Been looking at the 54 website and the band history bit (the bit that hasn't been updated for nearly 2 years;)) and checked out the bit at the bottom of the page from the Kerrang polls from Jan 99. 54 beating Therapy?, der Stamp and the Yo-yos - bloody hell, how top was that?
Yeah, read thru that ages back, wasnt it brilliant???

Fact is, with the fanbase they havem theyll always get a good rating in any poll that we know about.

Course they deserve any applauds they get. and more.
its cool!!!!! shows that actually even with a little promotion there must be a fairly large amount of people who have been into them for a while.

they just need some more promotion which im sure they get with the dedicated lot that we are !!!!!
and not to mention the up coming new album.. something tells me its not going to disapear into the hidden depths of metal !!!!

ok im going before i get carried away !!!

Mark, Therapy?'s label went under in 98, leaving them without a deal for a while before they joined up with Ark21.

Both Rachel Stamp and the Yo-yo's had major trouble with labels, just shows how stupid some UK labels can be :(
Yeah, like some stupid ones re release ones of bands that have already HAd re-relases & greatest hits in a 5 year margin.... *cough* EMI *end cough* ;)
Originally posted by Diamond Dave
Mark, Therapy?'s label went under in 98, leaving them without a deal for a while before they joined up with Ark21.

That sucks :( A band of the calibre should have been picked up right away...

Mind you, same could be said for A54... get yer heads yer yet arses, label drones!! :mad:
Hey don't slag off Andrew WK! He's quite cute under all that pigs blood and grime. All he needs is a good shower!

And you remember that saying pop will eat itself? It will do one day. The record labels will get too greedy and all go bust. £80 million for Robbie Williams?! With stupidity like that around 54 may be better off on their own...