Way O/T but anyone play Roller Hockey in AZ?


Milano Mosher
Sep 5, 2001
MegadetH ArizonA
Sorry for the spam post. Feel free to delete this if you want. But me and a few buddies, nothing too big(yet) play roller hockey at a local school(Deer Valley High School) We need more players.

Some fellow metalheads have expressed interest in playing, I just thought I'd give it one last try to see if there are any others out there that would like to join in. We are actually playing tomorrow at 1130a at Deer Valley on the Tennis courts, but if you have any questions Email me at PanteraCFH3000@yahoo.com

I live in Peoria, but am welcome to playing in other areas. Hopefully when we get enough people we can play in Anthem, where they have a full size outdoor roller rink. But again sorry for the spamming off topic post. We all know we are all Vehemence fans.. hell maybe some of those bastards will play with us.. haha, but anyway, thanks for your time.

Originally posted by FuckYouIWantToDie
i suck at sports
haha we suck too, actually some of us are pretty horrible, so if you have some blades you can at least come out and fall on your ass like the rest of us

Originally posted by VEHEMENCE
I know Jason Kessecker likes Hockey alot along with one of our roadies Mike Tozzi.
alright cool. I have that Email you sent me(it was you right?)
So I'll keep them uptaded through on our next games. If they want to have me email them directly just have them send me an email at panteracfh3000@yahoo.com
otherwise, I'll just update them through yours.
Thanks guys,
i used to roller blade a fucking lot in high school and junior high....it was the only good excuse to get out of the house. i would blade down to the elementary school (mercury mine) at night, smoke like half a pack of marlboro reds, and listen to black sabbath tapes. i have since forgotten how to rollerblade, but still smoke (ultra lights) and listen to black sabbath cds.