way off topic for USA members Kerry/ Edwards


After watching the Democratic convention on TV, tonight ending with Kerry, I wasn't all that impressed with what those two have to offer. They are like paper tigers... I was however, more impressed with Edwards' speech, he had more Karisma & I could see him swaying some votes to the Liberals.
What about the John Kerry reporting for duty comment?! This is mainly for Wicked Child, since he's the most politically aware from the members(from the states) on this board...
I just can't for the life of me swallow what they have to say! Especially Kerry! Now, i don't feel i have to elaborate on my feelings for Kerry, as i've been quite vocal about it for quite some time, now. But for the newbies: I DON'T LIKE KERRY. His total lack of charisma, solidarity of his platform,especially that. How can i trust a person who constantly flip flops on his beliefs? And how can I possibly vote for someone like that? True, Bush isn't much better, either. That just makes this election much tougher. I don't want either one in office.

But on to Edwards. I voted for Edwards in the primaries. I found him to be the lesser of the evils, and one i could believe the most. He IS very charismatic, and that's one thing i liked about him. He has the charisma to make ANYONE stand up and pay attention and i feel that's what we need in a president. However, there's still something i can't put my finger on that prevents me to really believe him, but his presence makes me want to, but i just can't. And he's running as KERRY'S running mate. But i must say, he does make Kerry's side look good.
sixxswine said:
After watching the Democratic convention on TV, tonight ending with Kerry, I wasn't all that impressed
That's funny, I just finished talking to my mom about it. She came upstairs and told me how impressed she was, and that surprises me becasue my family is republican. I didn't watch the speech because I have been distancing myself from politics in general recently because of how much of a waste of time I've realized it was.
Kerry :puke:
I think he is even less "likeable" than Gore.

What I don't understand is why reasonably intelligent Americans feel like they have to vote for the lesser of two evils. Most of the big party candidates that run for President are ones that have the most money and/or power. I am frankly sick of the two party system. The US has a population of 290,000,000 people and those voting age get a choice of two candidates for President ? Bullshit !!

Bryant said:
What I don't understand is why reasonably intelligent Americans feel like they have to vote for the lesser of two evils. Most of the big party candidates that run for President are ones that have the most money and/or power. I am frankly sick of the two party system. The US has a population of 290,000,000 people and those voting age get a choice of two candidates for President ? Bullshit !!

I agree. We need more big parties that could actually stand a chance.
Wicked Child said:
I agree. We need more big parties that could actually stand a chance.

Well I think that The Libertarian Party needs to concentrate it's efforts on getting someone into big state offices like Govorner, then The House of representatives. Once they have a congressman or two, then they can work on getting a senator elected. The Libertarian Party is the only one with a chance of really becoming a force, but they are spreading themselves too thin.

Bryant said:
I am frankly sick of the two party system.
Exactly, the two party system is really stupid and it just starts arguments and stirrs up hate between people. I got into an argument about politics with one of my best friends and I ended up stopping it just because I knew we'd be mad at eachother, and we both agreed that we shouldn't talk about politics at all anymore. If we talk about politics now, it's about how stupid it is.
Bryant said:
What I don't understand is why reasonably intelligent Americans feel like they have to vote for the lesser of two evils. Most of the big party candidates that run for President are ones that have the most money and/or power. I am frankly sick of the two party system. The US has a population of 290,000,000 people and those voting age get a choice of two candidates for President ? Bullshit !!

You forgot about Nader? I find it amusing that, the Democrats denied Nader access to the convention. What do they have to hide?! There should be more support for a third party, that would mix it up a bit.:heh:
Pabla said:
Kerry :puke:
I think he is even less "likeable" than Gore.
I don't know about that Dean & Gore are neck & neck in my book.
Kerry? He's not that sickening compared to thos two crackpots.
There was talk earlier about Bush dumping Dick as VP & possibly looking at someone else?! The guy hasn't been around enough to be disliked...
Did anyone happen to catch Michael Moore on The O'Rielly Factor?!
He's got balls. One of the Hollywood supporters of Kerry, that came off as a respectable & very articulate was Ben Afflick(SP?). I could careless about him as an actor, but he can back his views in an articulate manner & for that I respect him. He's not like that big beaked Liberal, opening her big mouth & having nothing of substance spewing from it.
What did you make about Regan's kid speaking on there?! Surely there would have been a better venue to talk about stem cell research?!
How much you figure he got paid?!
Bryant said:
What I don't understand is why reasonably intelligent Americans feel like they have to vote for the lesser of two evils. Most of the big party candidates that run for President are ones that have the most money and/or power. I am frankly sick of the two party system. The US has a population of 290,000,000 people and those voting age get a choice of two candidates for President ? Bullshit !!


Well, we have a whole bunch of party's here (Belgium), and when it comes to elections it still is all those rich, boring guys popping up in the government, no matter what party or person got the most votes. While the "money thing" is pretty obvious in the USA elections, it is basically the same everywhere else. Maybe it's not such a big show in Europe, but you can be sure it's all about the money. The only advantage I can see here with more party's is that there is a stronger control of the government. Little party's that have limited "seats" in our government allways have a controling eye on the big party's.
I really don't care for politics, at the end it all are pocket filling bastards.
sixxswine said:
After watching the Democratic convention on TV, tonight ending with Kerry, I wasn't all that impressed with what those two have to offer. They are like paper tigers... I was however, more impressed with Edwards' speech, he had more Karisma & I could see him swaying some votes to the Liberals.
What about the John Kerry reporting for duty comment?! This is mainly for Wicked Child, since he's the most politically aware from the members(from the states) on this board...

Dont Like Kerry dont like Bush .... I like Dean He did great as our Govoner for 12 years
Everyone, listen to Jonny! He knows his politics! You think I know MY politics, this man puts me to shame! One of my favorite online conversations ever was with this guy, talking politics.
Wicked Child said:
Everyone, listen to Jonny! He knows his politics! You think I know MY politics, this man puts me to shame! One of my favorite online conversations ever was with this guy, talking politics.
:D thanks Nick! I do now my Bullshit aka Politics hahaha I just Dont like to discuss my views on it in a Public forum .... Most people Dont Agree/Take offense :Spin:
Italy had Cicciolina. I say let's have Jeena Jameson for President!
JonnyD said:
Dont Like Kerry dont like Bush .... I like Dean He did great as our Govoner for 12 years
That might be true, but that's no different than a guy that plays well in the minor league in baseball, but can't cut it in the majors...
Would he have been a great president? I don't think so. Then again, I doubt Kerry would either. One guy to watch is Edwards, he's a great public speaker & can get persuade people. His background as an attorney has done him well. If he doesn't become the next second in command, look for this guy to make a run for it next time & he could very well win!!!!!