Way to stop BDOS's caused by my 2626?

Oct 27, 2007
Montreal, Canada
I know that BSOD caused by the profire 2626 is a fairly common problem, but I'd like to know if someone found a way of fixing or at least reducing the frequency it happens. Right now it happens once each 2-3 days and its REALLY annoying. At least it never happens when I'm recording, only when I open song with VLC or Guitar pro. I'm on XP 32 bits, do you think upgrading to windows 7 might help?
Yes I'm sure, I had a firepod with the same FI card, and in 4 years with the same computer setup I never had any blue screen. I only started to got them once I started using my profire, so I'm sure it's the unit causing this problem.
Hmm. Weird. I'm really not sure what it could be doing to cause that; I used one with Windows 7 for over a year and it was fine. I'm using it with a Hackintosh and no problems. Sorry dude, can't really help.
o hey what's up m-audio interface problems that fuck up computers that were running firepods fine



I don't know if its because you dont read here often or if its because you're new here but there's already been lot of people here complaining about this issue, thats why I'm asking if anyone found a solution. There's even a thread on m-audio forums with about 20 pages and no apparent solutions.
I just posted a thread under yours 10 minutes ago. I didn't realize there were so many problems with the m-audio stuff. :(

edit: mine isn't bsod though. I can't get either one of my computers to recognize my 610.
Never had problems like this... are you sure it isn't a RAM or motherboard problem
I'm sure you're using all the latest drivers and service packs, don't you?

Nah man,

this is a well documented issue affecting a huge number of ProFire users with diverse systems. there are some pretty epic threads about it on the M-Audio forums.
the blame rests entirely with the M-Audio drivers, but they don't seem to be in any hurry to fix it.
I just moved our live rig from Vista to W7, just for stability/reliability. Love it so far! Was having a few problems where it would just disconnect, but never had a problem in Vista with their newest drivers (i used to before they got updated real well). But the only solution i know to that issue is change the Windows firewire driver.

I located the FireWire 1934 device on the Device Manager, reinstall driver button and loaded the Windows Legacy driver instead of the new one it defaulted to. In W7 they switched the drivers around to be more compatable with FireWire 800, but some devices haven't agreed with the new drivers.

prolly didn't help, but for anyone else with my problem earlier it might! best of luck bro!
Does the Profire run off the DiceII chip? That's the same as the presonus and focusrite, and there are many hardware problems with these devices with all the aforementioned interfaces.

#1 are you running a Texas Instuments firewire chipset?

If the only problem is using those programs as you stated, maybe use the onboard sound for those programs.
Does the Profire run off the DiceII chip? That's the same as the presonus and focusrite, and there are many hardware problems with these devices with all the aforementioned interfaces.

#1 are you running a Texas Instuments firewire chipset?

If the only problem is using those programs as you stated, maybe use the onboard sound for those programs.

yeah I use a TI chipset. What I'll probably do is reinstall my firepod and use it for everything except when working in Pro tools/Cubase, because it never crashed when tracking/mixing, only when doing other things.
The OS should make a file called memory.dmp in c:\windows. Get WinDBG, install, change symbol path to "SRV*c:\websymbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols", load the kernel dump and it'll automatically run !analyze -v. If the failing mechanism isn't evident from that post the output and I'll take a look.