Ways to improve vocal abilities.


Lil Poot
Oct 21, 2001
I am trying to improve my singing for a band me and some buddies have started.

Would you guys have any tips?

I'm not to eager to actually go out and take lessons...not yet anyway.
well, man, as much as this may suck.....

if you don't know theory or technique, the best way is to study from someone who does. why are you against taking lessons?

i'm not against it, its just right now i don't have the time or money to take lessons. Once i get those 2 variables taken care of i would prolly consider it, all i can really do right now is try and mimic my heroes the best i can i guess....

I do "practice" every now and then singing my own shit, though it has no music behind it.

something i think i could use about now though would be maybe some warm up techniques or something along those lines.

Also right now i am trying to save up for a decent bass, then my buddy will teach me how to play that, and i have been writing our lyrics and that usually leaves me drained.
hey,well my GF takes lessons.I know a couple of things but I'll get her replying whenever she's home.got the time..

breath with yer belly,not your upperpart of the lungs if you know what I mean
breath in through yer nose,out through the mouth(also c the Karate Kid hehe)
breath out through a straw to get the air out in a constant way,as long as possible.

as for warming up: sing arpeggios
C E G Cand down again G E C,then next is C# E#(F) G# C# G# E# C#,D F# A....if you have a keyboard or so,it'll help you get the right pitch.:cool:
whats warrells email? maybe he can post his advice?????
Yah, you have to use your diaphram. It also helps if your not tone deaf LOL!!! Smoking is definitely a hinderance, too, which was already said--if it doesn't affect you now, it will later, ask Don Dokken (he has trouble hittin those notes these days). Also I found that it helps not to eat a lot before you have to sing a lot, (having more room in your gut for AIR) and doing a shot or two works wonders, loosening up the chords.

Well, if you plan on singing like Warrel, then I don't know, but if you're gonna be doing some demonic, up-chucking growling, I've found that drinking a coke or eating something sticky before you start helps out a bit.
you can practice matching pitch witha piano or some kind of key board....

also practice singing along with your fave singer and record it and listen back to hear what needs....

focus your breath between your nose and your mouth, and project outwards..

have fun and take lessons when you can:headbang:
I've heard that you shouldn't copy a singer because you probably will do it in a wrong way.Find out for yourself what a good method is for you to sing..
I guess a good singer is the one who really lives the song. If you really incorporate the lyrics and the melody in your mind the singing will be more natural.
i do intend to have my own style, i just want to be able to have a broad vocal range...or make it as broad as i can...

hopefully i will have a bass soon...and might have some music behind my screams..
I know this is an old thread... but yeah practice diaphragm breathing ALL the time. I sing, and you can't go without it... Using your chest voice will NEVER get you that power. Plus, NO SMOKING and yeah.. the "no eating a lot before singing" thing is true too. Just like a couple of people have already said... you should really take lessons because they will teach you important techniques which WILL HELP you. Such as: how to sing certain vowals and tongue positioning.(or with the piano) Singing is truly and art and you NEED to practice a lot just like any other instrument.
I can't stress enough how valuable lessons can be.
There are plenty of books and CD's etc. that can help you with your singing. These are nice to have, because you can take the time to read and understand what your supposed to be doing. BUT, a voice coach can identify areas where you may be having trouble and give you tips specific to your voice.
and of course, NO drinking, NO smoking, watch what you eat and how much. Practice EVERY day for how ever long you can.

enough vocal preaching from me........:wave:
Yeah I'm planning to return to my voice teacher soon. I called her the other day. Anyway, good luck... even though this thread was started OCt 01 or something heh. : )