WD at The Galaxy in Santa Ana, CA


Nov 2, 2005
I thought you all may be interested in this. I saw Warrel last night in Santa Ana, CA & they played Tomorrow Turned Into Yesterday. There's a few others on my youtube page too. It was a great show. :kickass:
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What was the full set? Was the full solo album played or just part of it? With a long headlining set I could imagine the whole album could be fit plus nevermore and sanctuary stuff.
I loved it. The only thing that sucked was the crowd size. I think that was the first time I've ever been able to just walk right up to the stage at a real show like that. The set was the entire solo album plus Everything is Fading, Taste Revenge, Eden Lies Obscured & Tomorrow Turned into Yesterday. Warrel was on & the band sounded great. I hated the fact that it ended. lol
I guess the crowd size worked out in our favor though because I got some pretty good video. :rock:

Warrel - If you want me to take them down just let me know & they're gone. :notworthy