WD: need confirmation on tour rumour!


Sep 4, 2002
Without the Darkness
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Hey Warrel!
There's been a strong rumour circlating of late about a possible Nevermore tour downunder. Can you either confirm or deny this rumour? And if true, can ya'll please post up some info about dates, cities, local pomoters, etc?
Any help would be much appreciated.
The Pimp NeonBlack
The Pimp NeonBlack said:
Hey Warrel!
There's been a strong rumour circlating of late about a possible Nevermore tour downunder. Can you either confirm or deny this rumour? And if true, can ya'll please post up some info about dates, cities, local pomoters, etc?
Any help would be much appreciated.
The Pimp NeonBlack

If dsm were here he'd be a dick and state the obvious in a really rude way, but he's not, so i hope WD answers your question soon man! I used to live in Alice Springs, where are you at?
Aussie_Outlaw said:
[color=#aoeooa]He's from Canberra it says so in his location.

And I'm down in Melbourne.[/color]

Damn straight I's in Canberra!
But only for the reason that Canberra is meant to have one of the highest rates of metalheads and metal bands per head of population than any other city in the world.
So it's only a statement of mathematical fact rather than a statement of metal supremecy.
Oh, well.

FretsAFlame: where you at right now?
Still in the great land of Oz?
Or has thy flesh moved else wheres?

The Pimp NeonBlack
hey fret, blow me. you're new, he's not. he knows how things work out, you dont. so waaaahoooooo to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

and if you cant tell... oh wait, you werent around long enough. i have a good sense of humor and i harrass when im bored. and i was obviously bored. so oh well to you
dsm downstairs said:
hey fret, blow me. you're new, he's not. he knows how things work out, you dont. so waaaahoooooo to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

and if you cant tell... oh wait, you werent around long enough. i have a good sense of humor and i harrass when im bored. and i was obviously bored. so oh well to you

Nah, now I'm in Virginia, the boring capital of the world. I wish I was still in Alice, because there was fun shit to do there, but nope, stuck up in this gayness...I'm planning on going back though to visit some friends soon.
Wolftribe said:
hmmmm eviscerate.... there was a really good MA black metal band called that

Hahaha, what about mayhem? That was funny how the guitarist ate the singers brain after he shot himself in the head. Fucked up, but funny, and then he got stabbed
FretsAflame said:
Hahaha, what about mayhem? That was funny how the guitarist ate the singers brain after he shot himself in the head. Fucked up, but funny, and then he got stabbed

Mayhem are pretty fucked up.

And all of them but Hellhammer are a pack of wankers! Met them during their last Australian tour.
I's almost beat the shit of of Blasphemer when he started to harrass one of my's friends. And after I's left the after party, he almost got the skit kicked out of him by the rest of the bar. Quite funny really. But he's still a total fuck wit!
Oh, well.

Back on topic: an other Aussies heard any rumours of a possible Nevermore tour yet?

The Pimp NeonBlack
The Pimp NeonBlack said:
Mayhem are pretty fucked up.

And all of them but Hellhammer are a pack of wankers! Met them during their last Australian tour.
I's almost beat the shit of of Blasphemer when he started to harrass one of my's friends. And after I's left the after party, he almost got the skit kicked out of him by the rest of the bar. Quite funny really. But he's still a total fuck wit!
Oh, well.

Back on topic: an other Aussies heard any rumours of a possible Nevermore tour yet?

The Pimp NeonBlack

I heard 2 things
1) They're planning on it after the U.S. Tour
2) They're waiting till they release their next album under their new label and then going on tour again.
I don't know if those are truthful though they are worth checking out. The one about waiting for another release makes sense to me from a record company/ financial perspective.