we are looking for constructive criticism about our band

Mick Demon

New Metal Member
Apr 27, 2002
Visit site
Hello We are Psicosis, from South America Venezuela and we are looking for constructive criticism about our band and we are searching for a record label that is interested in us, remember it's our first recording and it was recorded in my room!

Visit our webpage www.psicosis.20m.com (it's under construction) and download the songs. And if you like post in our guestbook and post what you think! after the mess i made in my first post here in UM we don't care what you write remember fun first!
:cool: :cool: :eek: :mad: :grin:
Hi, i can understand you to post that in this forum. I have also a band and like to to the same. But i am doing not, because i think thats not correct to use the COB Forum for that thing. I fuckin hate for example if other bands use our guestbook to say when there is a concert or something like this from their band. A Guestbook or a forum shouldnt be misused. Thats not offense meant, just wanted to say my opinion.
You can go to the self-promotion board, you'll be welcome there!
Let's see if I can give a review anyway... later ;)
N8 dudes