We Came As Romans - Understanding What Weve Grown To Be

timislegend said:
joey has expressed the difficulty of the songs being sung out of kyle's range and that he was forced to employ "tricks" to get his voice more intelligible.

Kinda sad since that's ALL he does in the band :|
like this one
singer sounds really bad

He's not always that bad live.
What it comes down to is he doesn't take care of his voice, and then he can't sing his fucking parts. When you sing parts like that, you can't be straining your voice by screaming at the crowd....Not to mention, he always tweets about partying all the time. Alcohol dehydrates you, you don't sleep as well, and usually people yell when they're drunk. all of it equates to bad news for keeping your voice in good shape.

With all that being said, I saw WCAR last march, and he was damn near perfect. Then that summer I saw them at warped, and I was embarrassed for him.

it seems like he should treat his music more like a job.

I am in love with the kick off of Understanding What We've Grown to be, but I can't seem to get my kick near that sound. I love how it doesn't have a lot of high end attack, but it has so much controlled lows, but I can't put my finger on what frequency range they are in. This is the closest I could get to the kick sound, if anyone has any ideas how to get close, please let me know!

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8879741/TGI FINAL.mp3
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Try to locate the frequency's using a frequency analyzer on the kick you are trying to mimic. I am pretty sure Joey uses Kick10 (Steven Slate) on this album (again). But also consider the fact that he blends it with the original kick. Plus the OH mics have bleed which also is half the tone that's in the final product. Use a multiband compressor to compress the lows. If you need more attack and (slap) then Compress using around 50 attack and 50 release at a 4:1-8:1 ratio. That usually does the trick for me. (also, you don't need much gain reduction since it's a slate kick, because they have already been processed)

Also, if you have it, use trans x mono....Joey uses that often to add more bottom end.
High pass at around 50hz, take out 200hz narrow Q, and add a bit of 4k.

I think that's the only thing he really does to it.
what gearman said.

I can get pretty close to this with just Kick 10 alone.

Try this,

EQ (HP at 40, boost around 70Hz by a couple of dB, big scoop at 250Hz, and some more subtractive EQ around 600Hz

Transient designer to boost the attack (I use the SPL one)

C4/Multiband Compression to tame the mids even more
Try to locate the frequency's using a frequency analyzer on the kick you are trying to mimic. I am pretty sure Joey uses Kick10 (Steven Slate) on this album (again). But also consider the fact that he blends it with the original kick. Plus the OH mics have bleed which also is half the tone that's in the final product. Use a multiband compressor to compress the lows. If you need more attack and (slap) then Compress using around 50 attack and 50 release at a 4:1-8:1 ratio. That usually does the trick for me. (also, you don't need much gain reduction since it's a slate kick, because they have already been processed)

Also, if you have it, use trans x mono....Joey uses that often to add more bottom end.
High pass at around 50hz, take out 200hz narrow Q, and add a bit of 4k.

I think that's the only thing he really does to it.

This album has programmed drums if i'm not mistaken, so no bleed. also, its MOST LIKELY Kick 10 blended with the WCAR Kick, that's what it sounds like anyway, and then tons of processing.
Thanks for the tips guys. I'll give them a shot later tonight. I never though of blending the actual WCAR kick with kick 10.....lol. The thing I'm having the most trouble accomplishing is the fact that the kick has so much low end but it's high end slap/attack is just in the background, and not extremely present like kick 10 usually is. I try to scoop out the attack with EQ, but it doesn't come close to the album. But i'll give your suggestions a shot.
This album has programmed drums if i'm not mistaken, so no bleed. also, its MOST LIKELY Kick 10 blended with the WCAR Kick, that's what it sounds like anyway, and then tons of processing.

There will be bleed. The cymbals aren't programmed, and i'm pretty sure joey didn't have him play just the cymbals for a whole album..
I think that kick sounds pretty good. I actually prefer it over just the kick10.

EDIT: Well, what I can get out of Kick10