WE Finally got him - Saddam Captured


Teh Forum Fuhrer
Sep 16, 2002
Football fans in New Jersey let out cheers. Kurds celebrated at a parking lot in Dallas. Wives of soldiers serving overseas prayed their long separations might soon draw to an end.

Across the nation, news of the capture of Saddam Hussein was greeted with whoops, hollers and smiles.

"Merry Christmas. This is a nice Christmas _ we got him," said Naomi Jipping, a teacher in Columbus, Ohio, who digested the information over coffee at a 24-hour diner. "A lot of people aren't going to be in fear anymore."


And we go again.

First, why make such a big fuss? This changes nothing. The Iraqi people are still in misery, the Arab world hates the USA even more. The USA have already accomplished their goal: securing their interests in the Middle East, display they military superiority, and now making sure Bush will sit for another 4 years.
What wrong has Saddam really done? What gives the USA the right to bomb Iraq and dispose of their leader, a man whom they themselves supported with arms and money 15 years ago?
This is all part of the American Game, and I would not be surprised if I found out that they caught Saddam months ago. America reminds me more and more of Germany in the 1930's.

But that's my opinions.
@ somby - I know i know, im not a fan of the war either, but im just posting the news for the republicans of the forum, regarding the wrongs he has done, he has been a murderer of his own people, and i think that is the extent of it. Bush wanted to disarm him because he supposedly had Chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, but they were never found. ironic huh. as far as im concerned this war was a BIG Fucking waste of american tax dollars, and just another way for King George II to prove to the world that he has a bigger dick than saddam. now, i know america put him there, and that was a stupid idea, but think that an even stupider idea that than is having these weapons inspections. Nobody inspects the US, are we so much better that all the other nations that we dont need to be inspected, if he wants nuclear weapons, let him have em. Everyone in the entire world knows that america has them, so why doesnt anyone inspect us. We have just as much a possibility of some psycho coming up to power in america as anyone else does in any country. My opinion is that if we get to send in our inspectors, then they oughta be able to send in their inspectors also, to inspect our weapons.
@Vexmeister: Finally an American that's not a complete psycho :D :p
I'm just pissed at this whole war, and I still see no fair reasons to invade Iraq in the first place. Why don't the Bush administration do something about Israel instead? They are far worse than Saddam has ever been. Especially when it comes to the genocide-part. But Israel is sucking Bush's cock, and they're both satisfied with it.
The reason for my tip about Saddams capture is that I think it was way too coincidental that they caught him just now.
yeh i know, right after he gets another 87 billion dollars to fund this "war." meanwhile we got the fucking terminator trying to dig himself out a 100 billion dollar California deficit, and all this fucker cares about is "preserving peace and democracy," ever since the idea of communism has america been so involved in other countries concerns that she forgets to look at herself. i am so sick of america trying to be "the worlds policeman" i am. back in the 1930's and 40's we could give less than a shit about what was going on in germany and the surrounding countries. now everytime someone farts in korea, we gotta make a news broadcast about it. as far as Isreal is concerned, that has been going on since biblical days, but with less technology. according to believers, the only thing, i repeat, the ONLY THING, that will cease that fighting is the return of Jesus Chist. so i dont know how to solve that conflict.
I know what to do with Saddam. He should go on a world tour... First every country involved in that conflict than the rest. He should be chained and every citizen who wants shoud have right to kick him in the face :)
Ralf said:
I know what to do with Saddam. He should go on a world tour... First every country involved in that conflict than the rest. He should be chained and every citizen who wants shoud have right to kick him in the face :)
Yeah, and then, let's do the same with bush
Operation "Iraqi Freedom" is not completed. It is one step closer now that we got Saddam, but that doesn't change anything, really. All he is, is a source of information IF they can get him to comply, which probably will not happen. Osama Bin Laden is still out there, probably plotting some kind of scheme. The Iraqi people don't take kindly to humiliation and us acquiring Saddam is humiliating for the followers of him. What has happened could be a good thing, or it could be a bad thing. Now that we have him, terrorists will get more paranoid and will be on high alert and may even do something drastic.....this includes Bin Laden. Like I had said, we are one step closer IF Saddam complies. If he doesn't and hostility breaks out, we are fucked and so are the Iraqi people.
SSJ4SephirothX said:
If he doesn't and hostility breaks out, we are fucked and so are the Iraqi people.
yup. this won't change much, gas will still be 2.50$ a gallon.... bush will find another target.... and we'll continue to piss other countries off...