We found out yesterday what our child will be!

Snowy Owl

OSA Co-founder
Sep 12, 2005
A tree in Middletown, PA
Hey all,

Through the miracle of modern technology (ultrasounds are amazing!) we were able to find out what gender Andrea and my forthcoming child will be...


In a few short months we will be the proud parents of a little girl! Now, I hope it will be a healthy pregnancy the rest of the way and no complications end up developing.
Awesome, congrats as always! Y'know, I don't know about anyone else here, but I kinda like the name Annette...

...But seriously, congrats, hopefully I can get out there to say hi at some point within the next few, say, months?
Gratz Snowy!

Heh man, just wait till she's old enough to have her own taste and makes fun of her dad liking all of that old fogie metal, and she wants to listen to whatever insipid bubble gum pop exists in about 13 years. Be afraid, be very afraid. ;]
Congraz Matt & Andrea! :)

You know you need to begin educating her musical taste right after she'll learn to walk. Now, I know the perfect role model for her:


Thanks all! You're the best!

Trog: I've been planning on getting you out here soon! It's been too long and I need to discuss some business matters with you as well as have some fun. You're always welcome. Give me a call sometime! I have Wrestlemanias and Royal Rumbles to watch!

Everyone: Yes, I plan on education in metal for our child. She will be the most metal baby in all of America. Nightwish, Maiden, Priest, Helloween, Sonata...and all the best prog metal, power metal, thrash metal and of course some classic hard rock and prog for good measure.

As far as a name goes, we already have thought of one: Lillian Marie.

Thanks and God bless guys! :headbang:
Thanks all! You're the best!

Trog: I've been planning on getting you out here soon! It's been too long and I need to discuss some business matters with you as well as have some fun. You're always welcome. Give me a call sometime! I have Wrestlemanias and Royal Rumbles to watch!

Everyone: Yes, I plan on education in metal for our child. She will be the most metal baby in all of America. Nightwish, Maiden, Priest, Helloween, Sonata...and all the best prog metal, power metal, thrash metal and of course some classic hard rock and prog for good measure.

As far as a name goes, we already have thought of one: Lillian Marie.

Thanks and God bless guys! :headbang:

What??? No Emperor? No Mayhem? oh, Matt. I was looking forward to hearing your daughters' first words as "Oh Mighty Lords of the night, Masters of beasts, " etc. I was looking forward in 5+ years for you to say, "My daughter's kindergarten teacher demanded to have a meeting with me and Andrea because she brought in a Mayhem CD for show and tell. The problem was that it was the one where Dead is dead." :lol::lol::lol:

On a more serious note, congrats to you and Andrea on the new addition. I am about to tie the knot myself, and we are looking forward in the future to the stomping of little feet.

Ray C.
Gorgeous name!! Great to hear that everything is going well--we were all talking about you guys at the concert and wishing you the best.
Gorgeous name!! Great to hear that everything is going well--we were all talking about you guys at the concert and wishing you the best.

Awww...*hugs* I miss you guys so much! You don't know how much I am kicking myself for missing the big OSA family reunion!

Thanks for your well wishes! I miss you all! Hopefully in May we can see you all!