we got hurricane leftovers last night.



got a pretty bad storm last night, there was a tornado just south of ut. i didn't go outside and didn't realize it was as bad as it was. but when i got up this morning, derick's mom told that:

1)the dog's tie out broke and they woke up this morning to him chasing a jogging woman down the street who was scared to shit. i love animals but even i feel weird around this dog haha.

2)our trash bins that we keep by the deck had filled with water. the kittens live on the deck. two of them fell in and had to swim in that crap for who knows how long til derick's mom found them this morning with their heads barely above the water. i'm really surprised they didn't just drown. but now they seem really sick. the one we call cupcake seems really REALLY sick. pneumonia probably. the water had to be cold. and it was probably around 60 degrees outside. :cry:

3)and derick's mom sliced her hand on a can lid as she was getting the kittens out of the trash bin. it keeps oozing blood but she's sarding the doctor.


I'm so sorry to hear about the kittys! (Well, and Derick's mom's hand, too, of course!) What the babies probably have is a type of aspiration pneumonia, meaning they probably inhaled some of that crap while they were swimming around in it. They probably swallowed some, too. If you can get them to a vet, I'd recommend it. The combination of potentially rancid "food" and nasty, icky fluid in lungs is bad. I'll bet they are sick!

I'm glad everyone else is OK, though. Not so lucky the ones who bore the brunt of the storm. Do we have any board folks who were in the path? Has anyone heard from them?
oh noes!!! thats horrible!!!!

poor kittens! :cry:

I saw the dog was loose this morning but he was just laying happily in the drive way so I didn't want to ruin his fun by hooking him back up :p
plus he smiled when I rubbed his head
:cry: I hope the kitties get better soon and Derrick's mom's hand gets stitched up, too.
thanks everyone :)
her hand is doing ok i guess. the kittens seem a LITTLE more alert but i'm still very concerned. i'd take them to the vet if i had the money but i don't.
noooooooooooooooooooo save one for meeeeeeeeeee

my bowels are aching so much and I'm gonna need one after school tonight to settle them
I've just been involved in a storm. Earlier today I was at Headingley cricket ground for the chaity match between Yorkshire and Michael Vaughns 11. The game was about to start and the black clouds starting moving to over the ground, with them came rain. The rain started to get heavier and heavier. Most people ran to sanctuary except for a few hard men of which I was one of. Then the thunder growled. The growl resembled a death grunt except it was much more ferocious. People started to panic when they saw the blinding ray of lightning. I was one of the only people who remained seated and enjoyed the storm in the hope that the match would eventually take place. Although I moved when the match got cancelled and I prowled through a stream which had been developing in the walkway.

haha, my storm pwned your storm.
Profanity said:
I've just been involved in a storm. Earlier today I was at Headingley cricket ground for the chaity match between Yorkshire and Michael Vaughns 11. The game was about to start and the black clouds starting moving to over the ground, with them came rain. The rain started to get heavier and heavier. Most people ran to sanctuary except for a few hard men of which I was one of. Then the thunder growled. The growl resembled a death grunt except it was much more ferocious. People started to panic when they saw the blinding ray of lightning. I was one of the only people who remained seated and enjoyed the storm in the hope that the match would eventually take place. Although I moved when the match got cancelled and I prowled through a stream which had been developing in the walkway.

haha, my storm pwned your storm.

that post was an obvious attempt to 'improve your linguistic abilty' WTF?!!

I reiterate - you are a dickwad. Next time stay out longer, and you might get hit by lightening and do us all a favour. Cricket's a poof's game - didntcha know?

To return to the topic - anyone affected by the weather in Southern states has my utmost sympathy - we compalin incessantly about the weather over here but we don't get extremes like you, give me a bit of rain anyday.

Any way hope B**h gets his finger out and gets it sorted for y'all.
FN said:
that post was an obvious attempt to 'improve your linguistic abilty' WTF?!!

I reiterate - you are a dickwad. Next time stay out longer, and you might get hit by lightening and do us all a favour. Cricket's a poof's game - didntcha know?

To return to the topic - anyone affected by the weather in Southern states has my utmost sympathy - we compalin incessantly about the weather over here but we don't get extremes like you, give me a bit of rain anyday.

Any way hope B**h gets his finger out and gets it sorted for y'all.

Profanity made a new freind.....
FN said:
I reiterate - you are a dickwad. Next time stay out longer, and you might get hit by lightening and do us all a favour. Cricket's a poof's game - didntcha know?

No. Football(soccer) is. What man runs round playing with other man and run off crying to the ref when they get a slight knock?
Profanity said:
If he puts as much effort into this particular problem than he did on the Iraq invasion, then you should be ok.
No! No! No! If he puts the same effort into the hurricane clean up that he put into the whole Iraqu thing, he'll end up sending all the relief supplies and workers to Oregon!