We need a t-shirt design!


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
We're not talented and we don't have friends who are into graphics and such.

So: we need merch. We don't have lot's of money so it has to be a one color print. no backprint. No fancy monsters or anything: just our name. somehow.

this is what our singer had in mind:


it says "Vanity Ruins".

i really like it because it has that "alice in woderland" style but... it's hard to read and we think it would look cheap on a shirt.

We also have the feeling that someone who's not from the band can capture HIS/HER feeling of us and put it into a graphic.

if anyone is willing to help us out that would be great!
Looks like some brutal death or black metal logo but I really dig it!
Agreed, it might look odd on a shirt but I'd say the thing that really is bad is that you can barely read it...

Sorry, I'm no help :D
Jonrty Loyvnfs is what i see. :lol:

Il check with my friend who does logos if he has time to make one for you!
I like that design, but I think it will look a little bit boring/spartan (is that even right in english?)
You should ask some printing factorys what the conditions for a print are. Wich price for wich format. What colors for what price etc.

edit: for what amount of shirts is another variabel
The thing is... while I love more complex, individual logos they almost always are hard to read and look weird on a shirt or so...
I mean, there's a reason for all those clean logos in more popular metal bands, just very few actually keep the individuality over time.
thats not br00tal enough! not death metal enough!

make some spaghettis and throw em on the ground. take a photo, draw your logo along the lines of that spaghettis and achive another unreadable band logo!

The thing is... while I love more complex, individual logos they almost always are hard to read and look weird on a shirt or so...
I mean, there's a reason for all those clean logos in more popular metal bands, just very few actually keep the individuality over time.

I think shirts are there to make promotion for you...
It's fine, that everybody likes to wear them and is willing to buy a tool of promotion from you. So if you want it to promote you you should have something readable and catchy.
abyss: I really dig both layouts. I like how second one looks dirty because it looks like hand drawn and the simplicity of the first one. but it could be a bit more EPIC!!!! :)

hate the band but we really like their logo:

our singer (she's standing next to me:)) says it would be cool to combine both of your examples. drawn style but simple letters with a bit of the "schnörkel" :)

we really really dig the "sylosis" logo, too:


thanks for spending some time into my band, man!
haha, I really get the feeling our bandname sucks too hard to make it good looking :)


I posted this one before you posted you new ideas :)
just look on the net for "metal fonts" and find some funky ones and try making some yourself - its easy to do and you can come up with some kick ass t-shirts and designs that way