I have the real valvestate 8100ive been looking at the schematic a while ago and i ditched the idea because lack of opamp model
Most of you don't really know what is developing. You don't know the amount of time requested for coding/debugging/fixing.
It's an insult asking for a petition considering the amount of time spent on these projects.
Last but not least all of their work is for free.
The idea is to have an expression of interest, not to demand something. A way of saying 'if you're thinking of doing another amp, loads of people would love to see this!' Nothing insulting there.
Petition might have been the wrong word I suppose. Didn't mean it in a demanding way!
Mesa Mark IV or V!! Or as someone said the IIC+ would kick ass.
Not for people requiring Mac AU amp sims.Won't the new headcase be the answer to these requests?