Slayer put on a great live show! What's wrong with KK? Seems like a good enough chap to me. I remember their crowd banter at Download a few years ago:

Tom: "No you don't!"

Anyone seen the new metal hammer magazine yet? curious if theres a review of our london gig in there...

let us know kind ones.

Doubt it, Evile isn't mainstream and shit enough to get a review in Metal Hammer. Though I did find an article you did for Get In The Ring 2 where you named some of your favourite albums - and I 100% agree on Socialized Hate ;)
metal hammer pisses me off, band we hated now love is bring me the horizon what the fuck is that about. i stopped buying it :lol: all they talk about is fucking NWOTM or whatever the hell amon amarth is i ain't paying 5 quid for something that i don't give a fuck about.
Kerrang was worse. I remember seeing an issue in the shops a few years ago that looked back on the magasine (must have been a 20th anniversary or something), and each page was a summary of the year. Each year had a "What were we thinking?!" column at the side and they'd have something like a hair metal band being on the cover, and then start going "They looked rediculous! What were we thinking?". Firstly, "we" doesn't really mean much, as I'm willing to bet that no one that worked for Kerrang in the 80s still works for them, and if they do I'm guessing they don't do any of the actual... ahem... "journalism". Secondly, that's what was hot then. It's not like they would have had Trivium on the cover in 1986, they weren't around then. It's just a change in fashion. And frankly, I'd rather look like a tit that's having a laugh (Twisted Sister, Motley Crue, etc.) than a tit that's trying to be serious (Trivium, Avenged Sevenfold, etc.).

Journalism sucks.
metal hammer pisses me off, band we hated now love is bring me the horizon what the fuck is that about. i stopped buying it :lol: all they talk about is fucking NWOTM or whatever the hell amon amarth is i ain't paying 5 quid for something that i don't give a fuck about.

if you are enquiring into the genre of Amon Amarth? they are "viking metal" and deliciously awesome.

But yeah, Metal Hammer > Kerrang
Metal Hammer is awful, but they are backing Evile quite a bit really. I dont know if you have noticed from this tour that a lot of the crowd are the typical Metal hammer readers and metalcore fans, and they all shout vagina for some strange reason, and as much as i like vagina, it was annoying.
boobs > most things

Science fact

Metal Hammer is awful, but they are backing Evile quite a bit really. I dont know if you have noticed from this tour that a lot of the crowd are the typical Metal hammer readers and metalcore fans, and they all shout vagina for some strange reason, and as much as i like vagina, it was annoying.

Metal Hammer's not too bad. There's a lot of crap in it, but I tend to find it easier to sift through the shite and pick out the bits I want. I mostly read it for the news updates and the free CD that comes with it. And they do tend to write about better bands, such as Evile, rather than flash in the pan bands, like... erm... [point proven], like Kerrang do.