Weakest link at PPVI??

Aug 1, 2005
Batavia, IL
Seems inevitable to avoid the talk of a "countdown" to PPVI. But with this talk, im wondering what band everyone is expecting the biggest potential letdown from, for whatever reason. Maybe its predictability, maybe its lack of intensity, or something else. Just curious who might be the weak link this year...IF ANY!
rockyracoon said:
Seems inevitable to avoid the talk of a "countdown" to PPVI. But with this talk, im wondering what band everyone is expecting the biggest potential letdown from, for whatever reason. Maybe its predictability, maybe its lack of intensity, or something else. Just curious who might be the weak link this year...IF ANY!

Dude...don't be such a pisser...
Well, I mean we can't deny some bands performed less then I had anticipated -Secret Sphere :(-

But this lineup, I really don't think there is one.
Nightmare1z said:
Well, I mean we can't deny some bands performed less then I had anticipated -Secret Sphere :(-

I have to totally disagree with you as I thought Secret Sphere were absolutely amazing! I love that band, and Rob Messina is incredible live. Their new album Heart & Anger is one of the best albums I have heard this year.

I actually wish they would return to Prog Power; a great bunch of guys, friendly, and dedicated to what they do. To each his own, but I am curious as to why you did not like them? Are you even a fan? Is it one of those things where you are a fan but just thought they put on a bad performance, or did you not even know them going in? It is much tougher getting into a band, imo, if you have never heard of them prior to their performance.
ashaman7122 said:
Dude...don't be such a pisser...

notice how my question was ended with, "IF ANY." im not trying to be a downer or attack any band specifically. but im not naive enough to think every band can be at the top of their game 100% of the time. good bands, even great bands have off nights or are just plain not received well, for a multitude of reasons. also, i used the words "potential letdown." for example, say a band has a deep catalog and because of that, they may not touch on the material you are looking for. doesnt necessarily mean anything negative towards them, but just that you may be personally letdown.
well, yeah, but if a band sucks, and you complain about it afterward, that's one thing. But why would you go out of your way to actually "suspect" that a band will suck, before they even take the stage? That sounds like self-fulfilling prophecy, to me.

Innocent until proven guilty, man.
nightwish58 said:
Nightmare1z said:
Well, I mean we can't deny some bands performed less then I had anticipated -Secret Sphere :(-

I have to totally disagree with you as I thought Secret Sphere were absolutely amazing! I love that band, and Rob Messina is incredible live. Their new album Heart & Anger is one of the best albums I have heard this year.

I actually wish they would return to Prog Power; a great bunch of guys, friendly, and dedicated to what they do. To each his own, but I am curious as to why you did not like them? Are you even a fan? Is it one of those things where you are a fan but just thought they put on a bad performance, or did you not even know them going in? It is much tougher getting into a band, imo, if you have never heard of them prior to their performance.

No, actually I am a fan. Have all three of the first albums *Which when they played PP is what they had out*. Haven't picked up the new one though. Devin Townsend would be someone who let me down with me not even knowing.

Personally, I thought there were several factors for them letting me down a little.

1) The lead guitar sound was complete crap. I could not hear the solo's at all for 3/4 the songs.
2) Band/Audience interaction. The band just did not click with the audience for some reason. I'm talking about like a Tobias Sammet level. When the singer would talk to the crowd and say stuff, it seemed like half the audience was asleep.

That's probably the main 2 for them. They were one of my most eager bands going in - but after they show I was pretty much o_O. Their setlist was good, and I do hope to see them again. I just thik some of the stuff the singer said made them look like idiots on stage, and not in the same funny way where Tobias can say random things.

And I've read other reactions from people on various forums, and they just weren't received that well. I think part of the problem is everyone loved their 2nd album, but their 3rd had many people doing a big "WTF". I like their theird album though! :headbang:
YtseJammer said:


I think I will wait till prog power, soak up all the bands and THEN make up my mind as to who sucked and who didn't...

I don't wanna sound like an idiot saying so and so sucked BEFORE seeing them!!
Nightmare1z said:
nightwish58 said:
No, actually I am a fan. Have all three of the first albums *Which when they played PP is what they had out*. Haven't picked up the new one though. Devin Townsend would be someone who let me down with me not even knowing.

Personally, I thought there were several factors for them letting me down a little.

1) The lead guitar sound was complete crap. I could not hear the solo's at all for 3/4 the songs.
2) Band/Audience interaction. The band just did not click with the audience for some reason. I'm talking about like a Tobias Sammet level. When the singer would talk to the crowd and say stuff, it seemed like half the audience was asleep.

That's probably the main 2 for them. They were one of my most eager bands going in - but after they show I was pretty much o_O. Their setlist was good, and I do hope to see them again. I just thik some of the stuff the singer said made them look like idiots on stage, and not in the same funny way where Tobias can say random things.

And I've read other reactions from people on various forums, and they just weren't received that well. I think part of the problem is everyone loved their 2nd album, but their 3rd had many people doing a big "WTF". I like their theird album though! :headbang:

It seemed to me that the crowd was a bit tired after Pagan's Mind tore the place up.
Zod proposed that prog suffers when following power. In SS's case the opposite was true.

P.S. Therion is this years under rated WOW! factor.
Nightmare1z said:
nightwish58 said:
No, actually I am a fan. Have all three of the first albums *Which when they played PP is what they had out*. Haven't picked up the new one though. Devin Townsend would be someone who let me down with me not even knowing.

Personally, I thought there were several factors for them letting me down a little.

1) The lead guitar sound was complete crap. I could not hear the solo's at all for 3/4 the songs.
2) Band/Audience interaction. The band just did not click with the audience for some reason. I'm talking about like a Tobias Sammet level. When the singer would talk to the crowd and say stuff, it seemed like half the audience was asleep.

That's probably the main 2 for them. They were one of my most eager bands going in - but after they show I was pretty much o_O. Their setlist was good, and I do hope to see them again. I just thik some of the stuff the singer said made them look like idiots on stage, and not in the same funny way where Tobias can say random things.

And I've read other reactions from people on various forums, and they just weren't received that well. I think part of the problem is everyone loved their 2nd album, but their 3rd had many people doing a big "WTF". I like their theird album though! :headbang:

THANK YOU SIR!!!! YOU MADE MY NIGHT!!! Somebody finally interpreting the concept of what im asking. You have absolutely touched on EXACTLY what im talking about. There are so many factors that go into a band performing at a high level. God forbid someone actually think a band might not perform up to its expectations. The list you gave was so right on. Totally the kind of random factors that for some people can make or break an experience. Fine for some of you to say that you expect ALL bands to just totally kick ass, but I think thats ridiculous. Doesnt hurt sometimes to not be into everything! Personally, im going into the show with some doubts about one or two bands, but at the same time im hoping that they prove me wrong. At the same time, I understand that perhaps one of my favorites my not perform to my expectations...whoa, did i just have an opinion...
mtlheart said:
Zod proposed that prog suffers when following power. In SS's case the opposite was true.
Not true. I suggested that Circus Maximus might suffer following Manticora. I think there are a number of Prog bands who can hold their own. It all comes down to the energy level of the music, and the energy level of the musicians playing it.

That question has no answer. What may be weak to one person may be the greatest to others. There are bands on this bill that I have no interest in seeing, however, I am not going to say they are the weakest link because those band may the only reason others are going. Is all relative to your personal likes. Therefor there is no answer.

Although, I did like it when "petethedrummer" said "rockyracoon is the weakest link!"
That was funny. Sorry Rocky. By the way, is that Avater a picture of you or is it the drummer from Queen?
FatesFan said:
By the way, is that Avater a picture of you or is it the drummer from Queen?

neither...the avatar is a pic of michael des barres, the guy who played Murdoc on the show Macgyver...and i guess he was also in a band call the power station.

also very true that a "weak link" may differ from person to person.