
Feb 15, 2004
I see that Belgar has some kind of AK on his picture, and I just got my first rifles, courtesy of my grandmother. One 1896 Mauser, one Belgian Liege Shotgun from ca. 1880, and one caplock rifle anno 1769.

So what firearms/weapons do you have?
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
I see that Belgar has some kind of AK on his picture, and I just got my first rifles, courtesy of my grandmother. One 1896 Mauser, one Belgian Liege Shotgun from ca. 1880, and one caplock rifle anno 1769.

So what firearms/weapons do you have?

i got a rusty katana and my 2 bows.. well actually one, but this saturday im gonna buy my new one :O my high-tech one :D the one i use now is more Medieval-style... I'd like to have a M4a from the army though
I have a katana, a Swiss army knife, a bokken (wooden practice katana), a set of home-made nunchakus, and probably some other things lying around somewhere
ive got two fists and about 30 boxcutters thanks to my job...
ok other weapons I have, if we're going to include them now as well, are: a pair of nunchucks, a telescope-baton (todesschläger), a butterfly-knife, some other little pocket-knife, a sabre - don't know how old, but apparently well used - a bow of some sort and various home-made sticks with handles and the occasional nails through them.
Norse sword, katana, seax and Norse axe, some kind of rifle I never get to use, assorted bows and a really large mf spud gun (my husband, who's a gas fitter, built it and hooked it up to a propane canister. It shoots from here to as far as I can see. It's supposed to be his, but I'm the one that cleans and uses it...)
a ceremonial Sioux Indian hatchet, and a set of 3 ninja stars that have been packed away for years... the last time I threw one it stuck in my cousin's arm and he needed stitches. my mom really beat the hell out of me for that one...
Shitkickers were originally workboots. Eventually they gained the name shitkickers because they were the type of boot one would wear if one were to go out an purposely look for a fight (i. e. kick the shit out of someone). Most common brands would be Doc Martens and Altama. (And where is Feraliminal whne I need her??) The fashion for skinheads to wear such boots got so popular at one point when I was younger that there was talk in Sweden of banning them or figuring out a way to prevent non-workers from wearing them, on account of all the violent acts that were commited using them as a weapon.
As for myself, I have Altamas, because they make for excellent boots for an archaeologist. They also serve as great "anti-presonnel weapons" (no military man in their right mind would bother hitting on a chick in combat boots...unless they're fresh back from the desert, of course), are very comfortable and otherwise utilitarian, and in combination with my Mjöllner and my bomber jacket, they scare the hell out of the soccer moms at my kids school. If nothing else, if someone tells my kids "Yo mama wears combat boots", my kids would get a good laugh.