
Me said:
this saturday im gonna buy my new bow

Whoohoo here it is ^^

well it doesnt have the scope and stablization-stick (or something) on it yet, but the base is here! :D

Btw made the pic with a cellphone so srry for the shitty quality lol
Knarfi said:
i got a rusty katana and my 2 bows.. well actually one, but this saturday im gonna buy my new one :O my high-tech one :D the one i use now is more Medieval-style... I'd like to have a M4a from the army though

Hey Knarfi did you see the Paul Chen Katanas? They are from about 600 to 1000 USD and battle ready. Real battle ready... You can bend the blade and it will come back to its original form.
Pyaemia said:
Hey Knarfi did you see the Paul Chen Katanas? They are from about 600 to 1000 USD and battle ready. Real battle ready... You can bend the blade and it will come back to its original form.

What do you mean? if i saw those katana's when i bought mine? I bought mine from some Japanese dude at a store with all that kind of stuff
Weapons? Hmm.. Okay...
couple of cheap ren faire swords..
a Fireblood Arms Practical Knight sword
A couple of Katanas (one an actual real sharpened one, rest are wall hangers)
Original cold war era Russian SKS rifle with attached bayonet
Winchester 30/30 rifle
Springfield Arms XD .40 Semiauto pistol
Rutger 9 mm
Old Colt .38 revolver
Some shotgun of my Dad's, not sure of the guage offhand
Various knives & daggers
Small crossbow

So, feeling sorry for anyone foolish enough to break into my house yet?
Knarfi said:
What do you mean? if i saw those katana's when i bought mine? I bought mine from some Japanese dude at a store with all that kind of stuff

No, just to know if u knew about them and if you were interested. Just curiosity... Im probably gonna get one... :)
I'll be sure not to get in your way at San Diego show

Bill S. said:
Weapons? Hmm.. Okay...
couple of cheap ren faire swords..
a Fireblood Arms Practical Knight sword
A couple of Katanas (one an actual real sharpened one, rest are wall hangers)
Original cold war era Russian SKS rifle with attached bayonet
Winchester 30/30 rifle
Springfield Arms XD .40 Semiauto pistol
Rutger 9 mm
Old Colt .38 revolver
Some shotgun of my Dad's, not sure of the guage offhand
Various knives & daggers
Small crossbow

So, feeling sorry for anyone foolish enough to break into my house yet?
Tomasz said:
I'll be sure not to get in your way at San Diego show

LOL.. Naw.. don't worry too much. I'm generally rather laid back when I'm at a show.

Oh, and Knarfi, yeah that's true that I would be screwed if someone got to the weapons first, but given that they're on the walls & scattered throughout the apartment, with the firearms being kept in the back bedroom. So if someone did break in, All they would probably have is a sword in hand. Ever hear the bit about bringing a knife to a gunfight? LOL :heh:
-about 3 bokken (Japanese wooden sword)
-1 suburito (thick wooden Japanese sword)
-1 iaito (or unsharpened practice katana)
-a few shinai (kendo sticks)
-a few jo (or short staffs)

-a mace
-plus a wide assortment of hockey sticks that rest next to my bed at home

I'd post a picture of my sword but the image I have is too big and I'm too lazy to format it. I'd like to see some pics of what everyone else has though. Especially old guns and stuff.
I have a Mossberg Maverick but due to some legal difficulties I lost my firearms license so my Brother has it now.

I’m looking to get a working replica of a Roman short sword. Can anyone recommend a good online store?
You americans and your guns...

I have:
- One ornamental dragon sword.
- One alien display knife.
- One orange cannon made of Pvc piping
- One Bo (long pole)
- 2 swiss army knives
- One flip knife
- 2 utility/workers knives (fold away/screw driver types with all the bits and pieces)
- 2 box cutters, one fluro pink and one yellow (preeeetty)
- An few random blades like large steak knives but not quite hunting knives
- A couple of wood sharpened spears (I get bored and I used to have a fire place)
- A bow that I'm pretty sure doesn't work because my dad made it for me when I was 8
- And of course myself as I'm registered as a lethal weapon. Whoo! (Doubt it'd count for anythin gin a fight though, just means it'd take longer for me to go down)

Other then that just household items like baseball bats and crow bars and the rusty old machetti in the garage...

Garden rakes are actually quite fun to spar with. :Smokin:

Used to have 3 dirks or rapiers but they got thrown out one day when I was living with my mum. She said they were old and rusty and didn't think I wanted them. I nearly throttled her.

Reaaaally want to get a hold of a proper bow and a few axes.
I'd love to get a katana but I refuse to buy one of those cheap copies which seem to be all I can find down here. And I can't afford to import a real one "for display and collection purposes".

I want so many weapons.. I want to fill my house with them. They're so addictive, almost as much as tattoos. :p
Tindomerel said:
- One orange cannon made of Pvc piping

Hahahaha home made cannons and bombs rule! try this mini-nuclear-bomb: A plastic (well, start with plastic then maybe when you can run 50 m/s try glass haha) bottle half full with water or any liquid stuff (no coke, has some nasty side effects.. just use water ffs), make balls of aluminiumpaper and throw them into the bottle untill the water surface is filled with it. Now comes the difficult part (for me): Discribing the last ingridient. (een Nederlander of Belg die me kan helpen? WTF is afvoerontstopper in het Engels?!?!?!) Well ill try. Its the shit u pour down the drain when its stuck, caused by.. pff like a hairball of what ever.. But dont use the liquid version, that doesnt work. Then you fill the bottle with that shit untill.. well untill either the bottle of the drain-thingy is empty or the bomb-bottle is full or you just get scared and want to get the hell away from that thing. Then just screw the capsule back on, shake it a little bit and run the fack away. the time between the shaking and the explosion varies, could be 3 secs, could be 5 mins. but, dont worry the water will turn grey/black, the bottle will grow almost twice in size, and then it will blow. Dont touch the shit that will drip around the "ground zero" (:lol:) cos it will burn right thru your skin.

This text took me longer to write then to make the bomb :lol:
Couple Katanas, one Reversed Katana, Halbred, dad's gun collection (not going into detail) need a norse style sword, and a more spear like spear than the halbred
The stuff Knarfi is referring to, the drain de-clogging liquid, is a solution of Sodium H.y.d.r.o.x.ide in water. (wtf? hy-drox (without dash) is filtered?)
Tindomerel said:
You americans and your guns...

I have:
- One ornamental dragon sword.
- One alien display knife.
- One orange cannon made of Pvc piping
- One Bo (long pole)
- 2 swiss army knives
- One flip knife
- 2 utility/workers knives (fold away/screw driver types with all the bits and pieces)
- 2 box cutters, one fluro pink and one yellow (preeeetty)
- An few random blades like large steak knives but not quite hunting knives
- A couple of wood sharpened spears (I get bored and I used to have a fire place)
- A bow that I'm pretty sure doesn't work because my dad made it for me when I was 8
- And of course myself as I'm registered as a lethal weapon. Whoo! (Doubt it'd count for anythin gin a fight though, just means it'd take longer for me to go down)

Other then that just household items like baseball bats and crow bars and the rusty old machetti in the garage...

Garden rakes are actually quite fun to spar with. :Smokin:

You pretty much have the lamest weapon collection ever.