Weird Request


Oct 28, 2001
I was looking to the thread were VultureCulture wrote the name of his major and can't seem to find it, does anybody remember the name of the thread?

I need a very long german word for my german class and I was thinking about that one :rolleyes:
i remember the thread vaguely but it probably was way off topic by the time vultureculture wrote such a apparently useless thing. ;)

maybe you might try pm-ing him? even though he's not posting anymore, perhaps he's got emal notification of pm's or he checks them sometimes.

rahvin. (a sure minor)
You can also contact him through his band's webpage probably. I looked for the word but couldn't find it. How far back about was this thread? Maybe I *could* find it later... using an advanced search.
@rahvin: Good idea, I might try that.

@mousewings: I think the thread is at least a month old, thanks for your help.
hi there... name of my degree was "fachinformatiker in der fachrichtung anwendungsentwicklung", but this not really is a long single word. better try impressing your class with "Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitänsmütze". this is the hat of the captain of a steam ship on the river Donau :)
and yet a nice example of Middle Ages torture, when they tried to learn (and distinguish) a dozen of words like that to poor farm workers who had stolen one or two chickens ;)

fathervic (always in his personal ludicrous fantasy)